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My question is this if the vessels were a loan were they returned later to the rightful owners? Did she maybe have people bring their pwn jugs then transfer the oil? The vessel that transports us through this life is borrowed. Is it our responsibility to return it to it's rightful owner in as good as if not better shape than when we got it? Is there any other way to do that than to live a life that glorifies the creator of life? That woman demonstrated her faith by following the commands she was given by the man of God. How do we stand in regards to following His commands. We live on borrowed time, is it not our responsibility to live this lifein a waythat returns the talents we are given with interest? Or at least enough left over that we can share with others?
Be blessed
2006-04-05 22:45:05 Posted by Ross ()
Ross.... your conclusion is no doubt accurate.. we need to live our lives in a way that glorifies God because of all that He has done for us and all that He has given to us to bless those around us.
This lady and her sons went out and gathered pots from their neighbors... did they "borrow" them as you and I would think of the term or did their neighbors give them empty useless pots that they had laying around in the way... dont know. They probably did not return the pots to the original owners because they went out and sold the oil to pay their debts... and that probably included "selling" the vessels with the oil...
Our physical bodies are temporary vessels but not sure that "they are borrowed and it is our responsibility to return them to its rightful owner in as good shape or better to God...." this body is made of clay and it is our spirit or soul that is important to God although our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit if we belong to Him.... so I guess that analogy might be used.... preachers and teachers do take a lot of liberties to use the scriptures to say a lot of things that may or may not be the intended purpose of that scripture... but your final analysis is right on target!
2006-04-06 09:29:12 Posted by Bob ()
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