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thank you Terri,Yes the book of Psalms is a light for us to follow.Amen Rev Terri God bless You..Love in Jesus byebye
2007-04-20 16:26:01 Posted by jetaime ()
I love the book of Psalms, It has great inspirations for everyone.
May God Bless.
2007-04-20 20:55:12 Posted by Bro Larry ()
In love I refer you to a website run by a FEARLESS CHRISTIAN AND HIS FAMILY IN ALABAMA.Go to and click "Personal Statement".Scroll down and read the most recent "NOAHIDE NEWS"(698-719).This site has well over 50 MILLION HITS and is being read all over the world.---God bless you---
2007-04-25 13:28:51 Posted by A HUMBLE CHRISTIAN ()
Hi Terri,
I love praying the different Psalms to God.
To give Him praise and honour as our brother David did is awesome.
He is worthy of all our praise.
God bless you,
Hugs ML
2007-04-26 15:40:52 Posted by Mary Lou (A Heart at Peace) ()
Hi Terri,
You haven't been around for a bit of time.
I hope you are well and there are no problems.
I invite you to visit my new website!
A Heart at Peace
Hugs ML
2007-05-02 19:12:25 Posted by Mary Lou ()
Terri, I feel a lose of words in prayer and expressing my appreciation to God. The Psalms are a heavenly language to extol His majesty. Thanks for the reminder. I, too, noticed your absence on the post for a while. May the Presence, Purpose, and Power of our Savior meet your every temporal and spiritual need. In Jesus' Name. Brother Doyle
2007-05-09 09:03:52 Posted by Brother Doyle ()
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