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Must admit that I am not a great one for pictures or pretty things on my computer. They will however find plenty of notes on bible stuff etc. However, if they hauled me in and did an inspection, I can guarentee that they would find Jesus inside of me!!!!
2005-08-24 04:47:19 Posted by Lee ()
Usually when they haul in some Pervert!
For killing some innocent little child!!!
The news will say that his computer was
hauled in.
And~ (Child Porn) was foud on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So if a Christian's computer was hauled in?
For being kind?
Would they find Jesus on it?
That is why I posted this.
2005-08-25 11:59:38 Posted by Marsha ()
sometimes though what people see can be deceiving, which is why we should do our part to be upright in our approach and avoid letting others find that favorite word of non believers in us.(hypocrite) Everyone who talked about Gary Ridgeway (green river killer)said he spent all his spare time reading the bible. Kind of scary when you think about it, did he believe what he read? Did he believe the truth to be somewhere in wwhat he did?
Jesus peace to all
2005-08-25 14:09:53 Posted by dcyple ()
Hi Ross!
Do you always have to answer a question?
Those (Perverts) I'll say it again Those (Perverts)!
Will go into detail how they sexually abused and murdered those innocent Little Children!
And when they are let out of prison they go and do it again!!!
That's why they now have to regester when they
are let out so you'll know if they're next door! Kind of scary when you think about it!!!
(Him living next door.)
Maybe you do not have to be concerned?
If you
have young chilren (or) grandchildren!
You do have to be concerned!!!
Should some young child have to be scarred for life because of these Perverts?
Do not expect me to stick up for the Perverts!
I cannot go into the head of a child molester/killer!
Nor do I want to!
2005-08-25 14:47:15 Posted by Marsha ()
Do you always have to answer a question with a question? Is what it's supposed to say!
2005-08-25 14:53:26 Posted by Marsha ()
Is it deceiving when Perverts put sexually explicit photos of young children on the internet? Or is it what it is?
Thats why parents have to put locks on their
computers! To protect their kids!!!
The last little girl who was rescued from
one of these guys was told in detail how he
killed her mother and brothers!!!
What part don't you get?
2005-08-25 15:15:58 Posted by Marsha ()
I agree with what you are saying If that happened to my daughter I wouldn't have to think about what my response would be. Are you sure you don't want another question?
2005-08-25 15:16:38 Posted by dcyple ()
Just so it is not the will of My Father Who is in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost and perish. _Matthew 18:14 Amplified Bible
It would be more profitable for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he
were hurled into the sea than that he should cause to sin or be a snare to one of these
little ones. _Luke 17:2 Amp. Bible
2005-08-28 08:10:29 Posted by marsha ()
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