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We are just cominh out of winter YIPPEE ..... Can't wait for summer showers and sunshine, clean air and flowers everywhere. The dawning of a new season
2005-08-27 12:08:58 Posted by Lee ()
We had lots of rain this morning!
It stopped long enough that I was able to go for a walk with my son.
Praise God!
Saw this posted at a church today.
"Prayer is our seatbelt to God"
To be continued...
2005-08-27 14:36:02 Posted by marsha ()
Marsha, this is not a criticism it is complete addoration. I'm looking at the posts you make and you have to have at least as many versions of the bible as I do
God is love
2005-08-27 20:05:20 Posted by dcyple ()
Thank~you Ross!
I'LL take that as a compliment!
"For God so loved the world." _John 3:16
2005-08-27 21:42:19 Posted by marsha ()
I only have 2 versions, the NIV and the NKJV. The NKJV is the spirit filled bible, but I find it alot easier to memorise verses from the NIV. Perhaps because I always only had the NIv until this year. While at work I use that way I can search the bible and ask for different version with a click of the button. :)
2005-08-28 09:46:34 Posted by Lee ()
The book (Bible) I like (prefer) to read is:
"Life In The Word" Amplified Bible. I purchased from Joyce Meyer Ministries. I also
search the web~
Bible .Com ~www. where I can
search the bible.
2005-08-28 10:30:42 Posted by marsha ()
my primary study bible is the nivbut ive recently found I like the nltand the ESV online the NET bible at
2005-08-31 04:40:35 Posted by dcyple ()
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2007-11-21 20:48:03 Posted by Freeman Santiago (
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Dispensational Bible Writings
2007-11-24 22:02:48 Posted by John Johnson (
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2007-11-28 02:25:24 Posted by Robyn Rodgers (
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2007-12-16 12:27:10 Posted by Nanci Pickett (
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