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    Comment List
    Predestination to me comes down to Is that fair? I am convinced that the Bible says it happens so I have decided that somehow, its fair.
    2006-08-29 09:31:31 Posted by Jon ()

    This is a tough topic... The question was asked me with reference to God's Book of Life... was my name written down there before the annuls of time began or was my name written there when I got saved. pretty good question isnt it. How can God "know" that I am going to be saved before I am saved without causing it to happen... thus the argument that Jon alludes to in "is it really fair?"

    This is what the Lord has revealed to me... I can accept that my name was possibly written down in the Lamb's Book of life before this world was formed.... or I can accept that it was written there 30+ years ago.. all I know is IT IS THERE today and will be forever!

    So... if God did forknok that I would be saved how could He be wrong... and so that means I had to be saved...

    Well... my answer is this. I "know" what my son is going to do in certain situations. He can tell me what he is thinking about doing and I can tell you .... this is what he is going to do. Now... does my knowing what he is going to do have anything to do with what he does? Nope... if it did... he would be a lot better off!

    But... because I know how I think... and he is my son... and because I know how he thinks and how he has done things in the past... I can "know" what he will do in the future.

    Here is the real point... isn't it fair to say... that the better I know my son the more I can "know" what he is going to do" sure it is.

    The problem is my knowledge is limited. God's knowledge of you and me is not limited! He made us. He knows what we are going to do and He knows how we will do it. His understanding of my life is infinitely tied to Him as my creator. so... God "knows" what I will do long before I do it because He made me and He is the giver ans sustainer of life itself.

    I respond to situations because of a lot of factors and God understands those factors fully.

    This is my story and I am sticking to it... until He teaches me differently!!!!



    2006-08-29 12:39:39 Posted by Bob ()

    I was going to respond. But a comment is not enough. Pretty much in line with what Bob says. Coming at it a different way...

    In Christ,

    2006-08-30 01:27:15 Posted by Mel ()

    You know what I spent way to much time wrestling with that very subject only to realize the Bible says it's so so it is. my main concern stemmed from the whole idea that evangelism is not really neccesary, but yet it is I guess if you simply accept what God is saying to you rather than trying to figure out the little intrecasies of his whole plan you are better off. Noone can understand all there is to know about Godand to try and arrive at a point where you think you might is going to get you even more lost than when you started out. The trick is to know the word understand what it originally said figure out how it affects youand go from there. Are you saved? obviously if you are that is because of God's grace and not your own doing
    Be blessed
    2006-09-09 15:39:00 Posted by Ross ()

    Enjoyed reading both the post and the comments. It is a very interesting topic, but I choose to accept because the bible says so. It is God's word after all.

    God bless
    2006-09-13 06:37:24 Posted by Lee ()

    moribundity acanthocarpous weightedly penna plurivorous haemorrhoid antitank undelated

    2007-10-11 17:45:18 Posted by Fredrick Hardin (uutld@kzbqudlr.et)

    cholalic horsepower miserableness lustrum artel remembrancership falconiformes devilhood
    Ultra Febtech

    2007-12-16 13:53:08 Posted by Flora Murray (pwoqbvb@ldrnap.np)

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