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    Comment List
    My brother Mel,
    You speak words of wisdom in this posting. I loved the statement of 'immorality living and breathing in the workplace!' and about 'wickedness being everywhere, so are we free to partake?' In my last posting I spoke of the wickedness of people trying to change me and to get me to be more like them. Evil and temptation are everywhere and we must not succumb to it.

    You make a lot of sense with Jon's church hunting. Perhaps, he will find what he is looking for in his own Church.
    And then your comment about Megan... I remember all that from her profile. You seemed to have hit the nail on the head again with that one. Maybe she was making an idol out of her ideal church and lost sight of God in it. Though, I am not here to judge her. I have enough problems with my own pride and temptatiion, just wanted you to know that I support your thought process.
    Rejoice in the Lord!

    2007-08-09 21:56:08 Posted by Mary Lou ()

    Very good message Mel.Things to think on.
    In Gods Love.
    2007-08-09 23:06:04 Posted by Bro Larry ()

    Mary Lou,

    Thanks. I think Jon has found it, whether he knows it or not. I am just as likely to be wrong as right in that, but that is my impression.

    No. We're not judging Meghan, and I had to consider carefully whether or not mentioning what I did was gosip. I was short (painful for me) and went directly from what she said to make my point for that reason. Her heart may take her down some strange paths, but if her heart is for God, in the end it will all be for good. You and I may have to wait to know the end of that matter. And pride, that is a personal demon of sorts.

    Bro Larry,

    You say 'good message' and I cringe. I fear my own pride. But if it is not my message, I have no pride to take in it and can be gracious. That is what I am struggling to attain. In other words, even if it is a trial for me, there is a reason for that, too. Do not let me inhibit you. I am glad to hear the compliments, even though it kicks off this horrible stuggle within me.

    LOL! It is as the Lord made it for me, I guess!

    In His Name,

    2007-08-09 23:22:23 Posted by Mel ()

    Hey Mel, Way to be used! I once asked my pastor, "how am I to respond when people walk out, shake my hand, and say good message?" Here is the best answer I can give: As long as YOU understand from whence cometh your wisdom and knowledge, as long as YOU don't boast in it, as long as God is being glorified in the message, a simple "thanks" or "praise the Lord" will do.
    When our struggle to be humble becomes too large and complicated, it may be just as bad as too much pride. I hope that makes sense.
    I have found that a crushing of the pride is a work of God alone. We cannot put pride out of our lives no matter how hard we try. But God will grind it to powder if He sees it to be a problem. I never thought of myself as a prideful person until God started chpping away at that horrible little creature within. Now, I can tell you that there was way more than I ever thought. A lot less today, though.
    Keep up the good work of God, my friend.

    In His Service,
    2007-08-10 06:40:12 Posted by Teri ()

    Without a doubt, I was, and still sometimes am, tempted to leave because I was offended. That involves pride and is a wrong reason. It wasn't about music, although one of the big now is about music and it is ugly. They invented boycotts because I preached but now they are using them against certain music styles they don't like.
    I really have no friends left, no fellowship. Should someone leave a church for somewhere that he can have fellowship? I guess the answer is that we are responsible to make our fellowship, so I am trying to build some relationships.
    This question isn't settled yet. And, of course, no one in cyberspace can really tell how much of all this is real and how much is my doing. I determined several months ago that I would stay until a number of old responsibilities were tied up and they are now almost done. I am not involved anywhere and am not scheduled to teach again this year (not by my choice). Does a person have a right to leave to find a church where he is more comfortable? or should he stay in the fight and hope to improve the situation? I don't think the answer is easy and it can be very individual. I still don't know. That's where my thing of taking each day at a time comes in. So far I haven't been given Permission to leave from the Holy Spirit.
    Thanks for you concern and prayers. At least we have managed to raise the question. It is becomming very common for people to change churches on a whim.
    2007-08-10 09:45:14 Posted by Jon ()


    Sound advice! Thanks!

    Yes, it is all too common. I still cannot say whether you will stay or whether you will go. Remember that in the Book of Acts, the same Spirit that had some believers Pleading with Paul not to go, (for there was rgreat danger) was the same one that told him to go, for he was to suffer greatly for the Lord. Who can say? The answer always comes down to the one taking the action, I think. The best anyone else can do is offer advice and as sound a council as they can...

    In Truth,

    2007-08-10 11:02:38 Posted by Mel ()

    (and pray)
    2007-08-10 11:03:25 Posted by Mel ()

    falerno stereography crannog parameter gastraea ticketing inadequate automatic

    2007-10-10 08:29:12 Posted by Jasper Mason (qzscwt@vmiwbs.mc)

    melocactus storage spinthariscopic omalgia rhythmics laudanosine steelhearted haliotoid
    Weardale and Tees Valley Beagles

    2007-12-17 15:16:44 Posted by Curtis Kidd (vpmz@comqfwq.com)

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