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I don't know about how many of her issues stemmed from her childhood they might but what you get into is the psycology then of blaming her parents at some point she has to take responsibility for her actions parents can create good or bad enviornments but I have to say if that is the only thing that goes into creating what we become I probably would have been a serial killer myself. People that react in that way choose not to accept any responsibility for what they are. it's easier to blame your parents, society, some one who mistreated you. At some point you have to take responsibility of your own actions and if you fall victim to the someone else is responsible mentality then you don't have to fear that you have done anything wrong because it was obviously someone elses fault. You just have to be stronger than your enviornment to win and accept that you may have some fault for what you have become.
Be blessed
2005-12-05 02:05:37 Posted by Ross ()
forgot to point oout she knew in the beginning what she did was wrong but she gave into the flesh when she realized she got a power rush from it. Hard thing to admit and have anyway of getting away with it.
2005-12-05 02:16:11 Posted by Ross again ()
She has a soul but as the first man and woman decided to seperate themselves from God, by their disobedience, so did she. She is a product of the sin that man ushered into the world and man is to blame.
Thing is, we look with such disdain upon people such as this and yet, we ourselves have or had the same tendencies as she. We can never look at ourselves and say that we did A, B or C but would never think of doing X,Y, or Z. Once a soul embarks upon fulfilling the lust of the flesh, anything is possible. I'm sure that most would never admit it, but it's there. And remember, we gauge sin but God does not. One's lies will take him to the same hell as her.
I had heard that Jeffrey Dahmer made a confession of faith before he died in prison. So, if he could be saved and enter into the same heaven as me what makes me any better. I had the same death sentence on my head as the rest of mankind, even though I was never as "sinful" as them. I was, however, more "sinful" than others. Are there greater degrees of heaven, hell, forgiveness? She may think that she is a good person, but so did I, even when I was steeped in sin. "Being good" is a subjective term, being saved by grace is not.
In His Service,
2005-12-05 06:11:37 Posted by Teri ()
My question is this: are these people perhaps not "demonised"? Perhaps somewhere in their childhood abuse, doors were opened to spirits, which then later in life affect their reactions, actions and state of mind? As they grow up and delve into the sinful nature of man (drugs, prostitution etc) are they themselves not again opening up doorways to even more spirits and demons???????
Just how much godly influence do these people actually have in their lives?
Perhaps I'm way off track, but, look at how many people in the days of Jesus where actually demonised? Look at how often Jesus cast out demons. To me logic tells me that there should be far more people with demons today than there were is the days when Jesus lived on earth. And yet, no one speaks about this..............
2005-12-05 08:59:57 Posted by Lee ()
Actually, Lee, demon possession is something that gets talked about a lot in my psych classes here at APU. I guess that's part of going to a Christian university. I have heard many different opinions, but people I trust have told me about their experiences casting out demons. I still don't know exactly what to believe, but I do believe that it is possible that people like Aileen could be influenced by demons.
2005-12-05 13:54:01 Posted by C'Anne ()
Yes, are on the mark. And when demon possesion agrees with an already sinful flesh the outcome can be explosive. Thanks for pointing that out.
In His Service,
2005-12-05 18:39:25 Posted by Teri ()
Sorry, C'Anne. I've been busy and didn't get here. Read this passage:
Romans 7:7-8:17
Tell me what you glean from it. I see some of it is already covered...
2005-12-05 18:51:25 Posted by Mel ()
Well, Mel, that was one of the passages I was thinking about when I wrote that post. I am in a Romans and Galatians class and we talked about the Law extensively earlier this year. I almost quoted from Romans in this post, but I didn't find a verse that really said briefly what I wanted to get across. Paul makes a distinction between people who have the law and people who don't in Romans 2. Paul says that God takes into account whether someone sins apart from the law or under the law.
2005-12-05 22:42:24 Posted by C'Anne ()
I should have guessed. But it bears reitterating.
Another way to approach this is to look at 1 Corinthians 8 in the context of their beliefs. As it is true with christians, so it is with non believers. As they see others do, so do they. Another way to put it would be in the context of the Golden Rule. "Do onto others..." Another way to look at it for a non christian would be to say: "As others have done to me, so shall I do to others."
Now that is not the christian way, but I think for some people, they cannot honestly see the difference between that and the teaching of Christ. They see the hypocrisy of people and are jaded enough to not want to take it any more, and instead choose to be the one dealing it out. They see the world as full of people who are victims and those that are not. Sheep and Wolves, and they choose not to be Sheep, for they have no shepherd as far as they can understand.
It is sad. I expect you will see this often enough.
For Christ,
2005-12-06 03:08:21 Posted by Mel ()
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