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    Am I a fool when I speak? Sometimes, I am. Pray for Wisdom. (a verse is in James as well on this, but I'll let you look for it -- the search is worth it!)

    2005-12-10 01:11:57 Posted by Mel ()

    Hey Mel, QUIT DOGGIN' YOURSELF!! From what I see, you are an alright guy. Quit condemning yourself... for as we know quite well, there is always gonna be someone else who is quite willing to do that for you! You are in Christ and Christ is in you and that makes you an awesome person!!! I would love to hear from any who have no shortcomings or mistakes in their lives, but I also would love to hear how they don't allow satan to condemn them!

    In His Service,
    2005-12-10 08:57:53 Posted by Teri ()

    It is my personality. I am Extremely High DC by the DISC personality test. That is the way I am wired. The good thing is that I do not feel the judgement of others as severely as many do. The bad thing is just the same! This is because I have already judged my own actions, which leaves little opening for others to do the same. I do NOT pile condemnation upon myself for my shortcomings. I still struggle with regrets over past mistakes, but I nonetheless keep moving on.

    BM personaltiy test I am INTJ. I judge myself only as a doctor would judge a patient with a disease. I am sorry that this part of me bothers you so very much. Because I am a sinner does not preclude me from being a saint or speaking the Good News! Rejoice with me on that -- I am free to speak only by God's abundant grace, and I will not forget that as long as I realize just how short I will always fall, despite my best efforts. God did not take the thorn from Pauls side for this very reason. I am humbled by my failings and emboldened by God's mercy and power.

    A Sinner and A Saint,

    2005-12-10 14:42:36 Posted by Mel ()

    It doesn't bother me so much, Mel. I just feel bad when people are seemingly always "downing" themselves. Especially Christians!
    Forgive me if I'm a little stupid but I don't know what all those letters mean.
    Struggling with regrets over past mistakes...what past? You don't have a past that God didn't reach on the cross. As far as you being a sinner... I don't accept that! If God does not wipe out all of our sins then I am in big trouble. I am curious to know which ones I still have to pay for, which ones still keep me in the category of "sinner", which ones don't get covered in the blood.
    All said in love, Mel. Not trying to argue.

    In His Service...Under His Blood,

    2005-12-11 07:33:27 Posted by Teri ()

    And your charm and wit make that clear. I take no offense. Maybe it is better that I say a "redeemed" sinner. I still fall short. I still struggle. I will always be a sinner who has been redeemed, and my redemption covers those sins still beyond the horizon. It might be that I do not confront what I must in someone else. It might be that in confronting it, I am too harsh. I might give bad advice, contrary to scripture. And these are the ones that are most innocent seeming. I see other failings in my life that must be forgiven. And I must ask for that forgiveness. The very fact is that I am still a sinner. "My Grace is Sufficient" is a phrase that was said to Paul, but is hard to take to heart. "Wretched Man that I am, Who will save me from this body of sin?" We both know the answer, and yet we both, like Paul will see ourselves doing what we do not want to do, and not doing what we should be doing.

    It is a struggle, a race, an endeavor to do the good works that God has set before us, and this is all for our good! Suffering, whether it be because of our service to Christ or whether it is our Loving Father who loves us enough to send us clear consequences for some of the wrong things we do, is all for our good. All is/was forgiven! And yet perfection is not yet complete in me. God has more work to do in me. I expect that if I get to the point that the only sin left in my life is so esoteric that few could comprehend it to be sin, I will have made a meager inch to compare with distances beyond measure for the bridge that Jesus has built to reach us. I don't expect that, but I still reach for the goal.

    In Love as Well,

    2005-12-12 00:22:46 Posted by Mel ()




    If you even glance at the description of what DISC stands for and that I am High on both D and C, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that problems are likely to arise.

    I am also at times Compulsive, and at times Directive.

    BM = Briggs-Myers



    Just for grins, I too this test again. ISTJ is how I came out this time...

    2005-12-12 01:45:25 Posted by Mel ()

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