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Morning Bro.Bob,
Amen! A great message as usual.
Yes, the Holy Spirit will teach us what to say when needed.
For God's promises are true!
God Bless you and yours....
With God's Love........
2006-12-12 10:58:07 Posted by Lois ()
Romans 10:11-For the scripture saith.Whosoever believeth on him shalt not be ashamed. I agree we need to stand uo and let everyone know that we are a Christian nation, and are proud to be called Christians, followers of Christ.
May God Bless
2006-12-12 21:27:43 Posted by Bro Larry ()
Great devotional Bro. Bob,
It sure is good to know we still have preachers
that won't compromise God's word, to please the public.
You are so right, the Holy Spirit will give us the words to say, when needed.
God bless!
2006-12-12 23:19:44 Posted by Don ()
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