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God is love and Jesus is love..God created man in His image..So why is there so many hateful people?..This week not that far from where I live ..A female postal mail carrier was shot in the back of her head while delivering the mail..Mail delivery has been stopped till they get this straightened out..The gangs have spring fever!
2008-02-29 16:28:17 Posted by Marsha ()
Hi Marsha, Just geeting back online, and enjoying going over all your postsl This was a wonderful post-Jesus is the only way salvation.
I was sorry to hear about the postal mail carrier. I know too well how terribly savage and violent those gangs are, having spent some years in a monstrously gang infested area.
Yes, dear sister, the scripures back you up in the sense that evil shall abound, but praise God good shall much more abound. I will be in agreement with you in prayer that Jesus shall reatrain this evil, and reveal those responsible. May Jesus continually watch over you and yours. And may He cause many to turn away from darkness to light. You are always a blessing to me, dear sister.
2008-02-29 21:06:10 Posted by serola ()
Dear Serola,
Thank you very much for your truly wonderful comment..You are a blessing to me too!..Some say that they are your Sister..But it is all talk to look good..Only..I truly believe in my heart that You are the real deal..When You say you are my dear sister. You really mean it..I really
mean it when I say you are my dear sister too..
God's Blessings Always
Love Always!
In Jesus Name
2008-03-01 08:22:18 Posted by Marsha ()
My only understanding is very dim, dear sister. If is our fallen nature that gives rise to such bad things. Some give it free reign and nurture the seeds of their own destruction. Of course, I suspect few of them see it that way. Your concern for the postal carrier is good. However, Jesus tells us to Love our Enemies. Can you see that grave peril those who did this are in and have compassion upon them as well?
Perfect Love has no Fear. That Fear Love has none of, it is the Fear of Judgement. You should not have that for yourself. They most certainly should. So the question becomes, what should you do?
This is a thought, not any command or demand from me. It is my way of seeing this.
May He grant you Peace and Fuller understanding, In Christ Jesue, our Lord, AMEN!
In Truth,
2008-03-01 09:24:31 Posted by Mel ()
Dear brother Mel..
I want to thank you very, very much for your (opinion) comment..Amen!..Perfect Love has no fear..Yes, we have to love and forgive the guy that shoots us in the back of our head...Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death. I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me. Psalm 23:4
Have you ever walked in a gang infested area?..
It's alot worse for a woman Delivering the mail..She now refuses to do that route when she gets better..Is that judging or common sense?.I think its common sense..Which God gave us.
God's Blessings Always
Love Always!
In Jesus Name
2008-03-01 20:05:41 Posted by Marsha ()
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