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    Comment List
    Brother Mel,
    Here is a quote for you, not from me, but I certainly second it:
    "My kingdom is not of this world."
    2010-02-13 13:21:58 Posted by Michael (A Voice in the Wilderness) ()

    I enjoyed reading :) your post Mel..
    God's Blessings Always
    Love Always!
    In Jesus Name
    2010-02-15 14:18:52 Posted by Marsha ()


    Yes, and as it relies upon me to "turn the other check" and be the one to suffer for it, I do try and do so, for this place is not my home. Many have the luxury (either in truth or in ignorance) of always doing so. I have no such luxury! When my children need discipline, I give it to them. When we need discipline, God gives it to us!

    So, I cannot be the one to tied up heavy loads and lift not a finger to help. IF I tell you to "turn the other cheek" to your oppressor, and do nothing in response, that is exactly how I view my actions in that regard. If, however, I take the beating meant for you, I follow Christ as my example. That oversimplifies it to some extent, but that is the general jist as I see it!

    If you cannot serve as I do with a clear conscience before God, then you should not (must not) do so! (and that goes for EVERY portion of our lives, mind you, not just here!) For me, I cannot fail to serve as I do with a clear conscience, so I must serve! Strange, isn't it, that conscience should guide us both, as members of the same body, to be doing different tasks and to be sensing things differently?

    Not always does my action in this regard result in the aim I think it should have, even when the intentions were good coming down from above. However, I do see the downtrodden bearing sufferance and suppression of Truth and Freedom as something I am not free to idly stand by and condone! I cannot judge myself in this matter, but I can only try and do what conscience demands of me! In the end, I may be wrong, but I must not be wrong because I relieve myself of responsiblity for my own actions and try to lay the blame for my failures on the advice of another!

    If my profession were wrong, I am certain that it would have been made very clear in the two passages that I mention for the soldiers in front of Jesus and Peter. That nothing was said along those lines and that even more so, they were highly commended by God in these scriptures, leads me to discard the notion that all Military/Police sevice is bad. Paul speaks of the Sword that the Ruler weilds as God's Instrument. I understand that they are not always used rightly, but the RESPONSIBILTY to weild that sword is still there. So the sword MUST exist as an Instrument of God. That may seem to make me seem important in my own eyes, but truely, a person who cares for little children in daycare must be ever as much as responsible as I, and that failure is part of what is wrong in this world! We take no responsibility. I take responsibilty and ask for the Blood of Jesus to cover my wrongs!

    We all have our part to do. We all have our function to understand or not. Someday, it will all be clear, but for now, I must content myself with the best of the dim reflections that God gives to me to see. Ceratinly, you might see this differently than I do. And it is likely that in many things I am wrong and another is right! Their responsibility is only to try and make me understand the truth. Mine is to follow what I see as the Truth!



    I am glad you enjoy it. Bringing joy is usually not my aim, but I am delighted that it is so despite myself! That is something only God can be responsible for! So to Him be the credit and glory!

    In Truth,

    2010-02-16 13:57:26 Posted by Mel ()

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