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Wow, Carol, what a wonderful story - real life is always so much more interesting than fiction. You are a wonderfully talented painter. (I thought at first, your painting was a photograph.) God has certainly blessed you with the arts & aren't you fortunate to have such a caring husband to support you in your desires. A real treat to read about your life. Looking forward to more!
God's wonderful blessings on you!
2007-01-14 19:15:07 Posted by Mary Lou ()
Thanks Mary Lou, and you are right: Truth is more interesting than fiction. And yes I am blessed with the husband God gave me. I think it took me far too long to realize how blessed I am.
2007-01-14 19:30:21 Posted by carolflett ()
Hi Carol, I truly enjoyed reading your story. And, I really like your painting. You have a great "God" given talent(s). I'm looking forward to your next post.
God's Blessings Always
In Jesus Name
2007-01-14 21:20:57 Posted by Marsha ()
You have a God given talent at writing and painting. Why not do both? Great story and painting.
May God Bless your works.
2007-01-14 22:19:34 Posted by Bro Larry ()
Thank you, Marsha. I appreciate your comment. I guess the important thing for all of us to remember is that all that we are or have belongs to the Lord who created each of us unique with something important to contribute to His kingdom.
2007-01-14 22:21:05 Posted by carolflett ()
Thank you Bro. Larry. I guess if the Lord wants me to go back to my painting I will do it. But I tend to be very one track minded. I did a lot of article writing while I was painting, but writing a book takes much more dedication and concentration. I even thought I would have to stay away from the blog but I am having trouble doing that. The Lord knows my nature; He created me so maybe He has a purpose for me being here as well as writing my books.
2007-01-14 22:30:38 Posted by carolflett ()
That's encouraging! And the work is still coming in quite slowly, like a frozen stream in mid-winter. I've got some ideas though, and I'll keep you and the rest posted. Thanks for asking and thanks again for the encouragement of your post! Maybe there's hope for my writing.
2007-01-15 01:09:24 Posted by Michael ()
P.S. the painting is beautiful. I thought it was a photograph.
2007-01-15 01:12:35 Posted by Michael ()
Hi Carol,
A great and true story, enjoyed it very much.
As all the others has stated, very encouraging.
Your painting is beautiful...
Where there is a will, God will make a way, if it's in His plan.
Sometimes we have to step out on faith, to see if that is what God's wants us to do.......
God bless you and yours, as you work in His vineyard........
With God's Love...........
2007-01-15 01:18:23 Posted by Lois ()
Hi Carol, I also thought your painting was a is absolutely beautiful! I really love it. I just love country scenes and believe me..I know how many hours you must have put into that painting..please let us see more of them! No wonder your garden is beautiful is done with such an artistic eye. So enjoyed reading your post Carol and look forward to reading more. I enjoyed writing at Primary school..the teacher read my essays out to the class. I wrote my first poem there and flabbergasted my teacher. She made me sit down and write two more verses..I think she was testing me out to see if the poem was my own work..I showed her by writing two more verses!
By the wife Marlene has a very understanding husband too!
God bless. Love your painting!
2007-01-15 08:01:11 Posted by Colin ()
Michael, I'll be praying for your work situation.
And I am sure God has given you your talent in writing for a purpose.
2007-01-15 09:10:32 Posted by carolflett ()
Thanks Colin and all the rest of you for your wonderful comments on my art work. It is soothing to a sore spot in my life. The upper crust of the art world society around this area never did accept my work because they said it looked too much like a photograph. The general public did like it, though, but of course they weren't the ones with the money. I still have to remind myself that it was all part of God's plan.
You are right about the painting taking time. I work very slowly and never could have made a living on my art.
I wrote poetry as a kid, too, but I was usually too embarrased to show it to my class. I thought they would laugh at me for my high ambitions.
2007-01-15 09:25:26 Posted by carolflett ()
Just goes to show how good your paintings are when people thing they are like photos. I am throwing my paintbrushes away when I see real talent like yours! I just love that painting of you not do prints of them and sell them cheaper. I didnt even like poetry and have never learned a poem in my life!
God bless.
2007-01-15 11:09:47 Posted by Colin ()
Don't you dare throw your paint brushes away. The beauty of the talent God gives each of us is that it is so diverse, and yet each is so wonderful in its own way.
Yes, I did do several into prints including that one. I was selling them for $50 each when I was in that business but now I don't much care about them and sell them for whatever I can get.
I'm really surprized that you didn't like poetry when you were young. I always loved to memorize. I even won an award in a temperance contest for reciting one. Now I am bragging, aren't I? Sorry. I just can't believe that you never learned even one poem. But I guess boys grow up with different tastes than girls do.
2007-01-15 11:31:21 Posted by carolflett ()
Guess some people people think it is cissy for a man to be doing poetry. I think we were made to learn some poems at school but I cant recall any except..I wandered lonely as a blah blah ...a host of golden daffodils! I keep coming back here to look at that is beautiful. I love walking round art gallleries. Please post some more!
God bless
2007-01-16 07:39:43 Posted by Colin ()
No it's not cissy for a man to write poetry. The world's greatest poet went on to become the world's best loved King, and his songs have been sung or resighted by almost every Christian and every Jew that ever lived. But I am convinced that he loved poetry even when he was a boy. You probably just did not hear the really good stuff that was worth resiting over and over.
2007-01-16 09:13:53 Posted by carolflett ()
I can't spell. Resighted, recited, resited, whichever it is I wish this comment thing had a spell checker. It must be "recited"; it's the only one that looks right. Now you know one of my biggest handicaps.
2007-01-16 09:17:33 Posted by carolflett ()
Good stuff Carol. Thanks for sharing. I seem to be going in a direction I never expected myself. God's ways are not man's ways are they? :)
2007-01-16 13:01:49 Posted by Jeanette ()
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