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Hmm, didn't want to leave you with no comments, Mel, but I'm coming up blank here. I'll have to think about it some more...
Have a blessed day, bro.
2008-01-23 08:24:20 Posted by Traci ()
Hi Mel,
Just some thoughts came to me after reading your post……
First of all (the house) -- our body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost. We need to keep it clean, because that is where He dwells. Pure and Holy Temple……
So the house, where our body lives in, our Lord wants it kept neat and clean, with no unclean things around or stored away. Like the movies the enemy would put on a person mind to watch or what ever it may be…Because the Holy Spirit lives in this house also …In us…..
You said it right, teaching your girls to fold clothes or what ever they can do to keep things neat. Is great that you fold your own clothes and other things, as this really helps your wife, showing your love, one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit…So concerning your socks, most men are like that…Just like the husband has a certain place he like to sit to rest or at the table when eating. It is His castle, the head of the household……So where ever the husband has things placed, should not be moved, is His place…. With this God is well pleased, all working together with love and fellowship….The family that prays together stays together……..
John 15:7-9 -- If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. V.8...Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. V9...As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you : continue ye in my love.
Loving Jesus and loving one another………
God bless you Bro. Mel, and your family with a Great day in Him…
With God’s Love,
2008-01-23 14:48:17 Posted by Lois J. ()
Thanks Lois, and Traci, your hearts and concern for me, you know that is what is important, so don't worry abut having an answer or not. I certainly didn't!
In Truth,
2008-01-25 09:05:03 Posted by Mel ()
BTW, I did like your answer Lois...
2008-01-25 09:05:45 Posted by Mel ()
Glad you understand, Mel. Besides, I don't think I can add to what Lois came up with; she did a pretty thorough job of it! ;-)
2008-01-30 10:10:58 Posted by Traci ()
Hi Mel,
Just stopping by to catch up on some older postings as I have been negligent in my time here also.
I find that everyday was just too big of a commitment for me also.
I am involved in many ministries in my church and I felt God urging me to get even more involved. It's all good!
I will visit and post as I find the time and when I feel that I have something to say.
God bless you and post when you can!
We enjoy your ramblings and musings!
God bless to your family also!
(I have no comment on your sock folding as we all have our 'things' that seem silly to others but make us who we are. I could tell countless stories of my own hubby's little 'rituals' or whatevers, but I won't. LOL)
2008-02-07 22:59:50 Posted by Mary Lou ()
Ever heard of the different personalities? My guess is that you're a melancholy.
2008-02-08 18:18:21 Posted by Anonymous ()
Oops! I accidentally hit my keyboard and it swallowed my post before I could put my handle on it. That was me.
2008-02-08 18:20:24 Posted by Mrs. G. ()
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