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Hi Brenda - what an uplifting message of hope that comes across. Thanks for sharing.
God Bless
2008-01-23 15:31:52 Posted by Lee ()
Hi Brenda,
Another wonderful and encouraging post...Yes, we are looking for that blessed hope.....When we reach heaven, what a time that will be rejoicing with Jesus and our loved ones and all the Saints......
Thanks dear Sister for sharing....
God bless you and your family...
With God's Love,
2008-01-23 16:39:15 Posted by Lois J. ()
Hi Brenda, I have lost so many dear family members, I had been thinking on seeing them again in heaven one day, when I came upon your post. Thanks for a great post on the hope that only Christ's people can have, and I know it will surely come to pass. Each day brings the time of our Saviour's return that much closer, I will be looking for Him above all.
2008-01-23 23:41:02 Posted by serola ()
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