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Hi Bob, wishing you.
God's Blessings Always !
Love Always!
In Jesus Name
Ps keep singing for your mom !
2006-07-08 08:10:42 Posted by Marsha ()
"For the wages of sin is death-" Ro.6:23
Yes, sin comes wrapped up in pretty packages promising more life, but it always brings death. Even though it does not always bring immediate physical death, it brings it to our relationships, our joy, etc.
God bless,
2006-07-08 09:39:27 Posted by Jeanette ()
The question remains...why? Why do we mutilate ourselves? Why do we strike our own well being with sin? Why do we serve the unprofitable flesh? Oh, for the day when our spirits are no longer bound by the clay.
In His Service,
2006-07-08 10:15:32 Posted by Teri ()
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