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I went to a church and the so called pastor preached that after you are saved, you can walk away from God. He said even if you wind up being put to death for murder, you will still go to heaven, cause you once confessed that you are saved. I expected somebody to throw the rascal off the pulpit, but some applauded. In writing they claimed to believe the Bible, but that is not what they preach. They had a lot of kids that they are teaching this stuff to. Sister you are telling the truth about evil people sneaking into the church to do evil.
2012-07-15 07:30:03 Posted by anon ()
I went to a seminary that secretly taught the same thing you mention.I knew it was a lie. I am warning my flock and other pastors about this. It is teaching people to murder folks in the church.Anybody that would preach this is a murderer at heart, seeking to vicariously do it by promoting murder of Christians.
2012-07-15 07:33:05 Posted by pastor ()
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