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Those who are parents know it is very difficult to enjoy the relationship with our children when they are disobeying and causing trouble to us or others. Disobedience disrupts the relationships, making it hard for people to enjoy being around each other. When we disobey God, we disrupt our relationship with God and with each other. Obedience is just the first step in enjoying fellowship with God and with others, not the ultimate sacrifice. When we commit to do our best to obey God, we are just beginning our journey into developing a great life with Him.
2006-06-03 09:50:19 Posted by jeanette ()
I have prayed for months now, for God to show me how to be obedient. I am learning, even though that obedience hurts in this evil world that we live in==so many things that try to get in the way of our worship time with our Lord. Yet, I would rather be obedient than to follow their ways, for our riches are not of this world, but of His. That, alone is the most precious promise that has ever been made.
God Bless,
2006-06-03 19:51:41 Posted by Kelly4Jesus ()
Amen! Bro.Bob, I have enjoyed you message.
As the word says, Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way....
Obedience....following the Holy Spirit.....what a blessing!!!!
God bless you Bro. Bob, keep up the good work in the vineyard of our Lord....
In Christian Love.........
2006-06-04 00:14:41 Posted by Lois ()
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