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Lots of times, people were raised in such a harsh environment they don't know what love will they ever know unless we show them?
It's draining to love your enemies sometimes, so, even though we do need to minister to them, I would warn against letting them become our focus. Sometimes they can take so much time and energy, it leaves little for our friends and family. Even though we must minister to others, I think we have to be careful to attend to our positive relationships and keep them a priority.
God bless,
2006-06-28 11:59:34 Posted by Jeanette ()
Amen! Bro.Bob, enjoyed your message....Yes we love Him, because He first loved us....As the word says, therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but over come evil with good.....We should love and give and not expect anything in return. Love covers a multitude of sin......
God bless you with Love, Joy and Peace In Him...
In Christian Love...........
2006-06-28 23:51:20 Posted by Lois ()
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