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    Hi Sharon,
    I agree we are living in the last days. I believe we are living in Matthew 24. The rapture will get us out of this land of sorrow.
    In His Love
    2007-06-11 20:08:17 Posted by From God's Word ()

    Hi Brenda,
    And what a day that will be! We can only pray that our loved ones will ALL be with us...
    God bless you, child of His!

    2007-06-11 21:03:10 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Hi Sharon. I just want to be ready when Jesus comes, and I also believe it will be soon.
    In Gods Love.
    2007-06-11 21:59:20 Posted by Bro Larry ()

    Hi Bro Larry, I want to be ready too! and you know, sometimes I don't "feel" ready! but I believe that's the enemy trying to get my eyes off the promises and Truth of God's Word. There's a song I heard many years ago called, "I WANT TO BE READY"...Even so, come Lord Jesus!
    God bless you, Brother!
    2007-06-11 22:57:01 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Hi Sharon,

    By calling me a false teacher, you are also calling Jesus and the apostles false teachers. They never taught a pretribulation rapture. Please read Matt.11:22-23; Luke 20: 34-36; Matt.13: 36-43; 1 Cor.15: 50-54. I teach what Jesus and the apostles taught.

    The apostle Paul taught that the rapture would take place after the Antichrist is revealed ( 2 Thess.2: 1-3) at the last trumpet (1 Cor.15: 50-54). There are no trumpets before the Tribulation.

    Please read carefull what Jesus taught. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT JESUS IS GOD. JESUS SAID, This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth ( Matt.13: 49-50 ).

    In error, I deleted the information you left on my blog. After reading my blog carefully again and checking the Scriptures in your Bible, please make a comment supporting it from the Scriptures.

    My prayer is that your spiritual eyes will be opened.

    In Christian love.
    Joseph (A servant of Jesus Christ)

    2007-06-12 12:34:35 Posted by Joseph E. Mahabir (Rev.) (mahabirjem@hotmail.com)

    Rev. Mahabir,
    Referring to your first sentence, I could say the same about you, but I am not going to get into "name calling." I firmly believe your calling Christians who hold an opinion different from yours as "false teachers" IS false teaching on your part. And I have never called JESUS a false teacher; for you to insinuate by your comment that I have done such a thing shows how far wrong you are. Further, anyone who is a Christian knows that Christ JESUS is GOD... I'm not sure why you threw that one in.

    As far as my supporting my viewpoint with Scripture, I previously left you the Rosses' website with various Scripture and pages to view, supporting the pre-trib Rapture; your comment then was that you didn't have time to review those pages.

    I pray for you also, that your spiritual eyes will be opened, soon. I pray too that you will quit calling fellow believers "false teachers." That is NOT grace. You have your opinion "supported by Scripture" and others have theirs, also supported by Scripture.

    In any event, I will not be visiting your blog anymore and therefore will also not be leaving any more comments...

    your Sister in Christ,
    serving Jesus with Joy!
    2007-06-12 15:09:00 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Good on you Sharon! I said before somwhere my minister and I disagree on the tribulation but we dont go round calling each other false teachers. I believe in the Rapture...I may be wrong...but dont dare call me false. I am entitled to my beliefs. God bless you Sharon.
    2007-06-13 06:30:01 Posted by Colin ()

    Hi Colin,
    One final comment about "that" subject: FALSE teachers are those who subvert the Gospel, the Antichrists, the cults, etc. and to call fellow Believers in CHRIST Jesus "false teachers" IS a false teaching, in my opinion, and has rankled me...but, we are praying for each other and that is certainly something the Rev M and I can agree on!

    Good to hear from you my Irish friend! I've been to your website and noticed no new additions. Someone had better get busy or they will be fired, post haste!!! lol. (Okay, I am busy just haven't uploaded new pages yet! This week, Lord willing!)
    You take care and God bless you today.
    serving Jesus with Joy!

    2007-06-13 06:52:07 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Dear Sharon,

    What is not true is false. The apostle Paul talked about false teachers.

    Here is what the apostle Paul wrote about the rapture. It is certainly not pretribulational. Anyone who teaches differently from the apostle Paul on the rapture is by definition a false teacher.

    Please read this Scripture and pass it on to other believers.


    Jesus taught that the resurrection of the righteous will take place at the last day (John 6: 39-40) at the end of the age (Luke 20: 34-36).

    The rapture cannot take place before the last day, at the end of the age, because it cannot take place before the resurrection of the righteous. This is the teaching of Jesus.

    A pretribualtion rapture is therefore a false teaching according to the apostle Paul and Jesus.

    Kind regards.

    Joseph (A servant of Jesus Christ)
    2007-06-13 12:49:25 Posted by Joseph E. Mahabir (Rev.) (mahabirjem@hotmail.com)

    Rev. Mahabir,

    Jesus comes IN THE CLOUDS for the Rapture of His Church, see 1 Thessalonians 4:17. ALL believers, those who lie in graves and those who are alive -- whether they believe in the pre-trib rapture or not--will meet Him in the air. This occurs before the tribulation.

    BEFORE Christ RETURNS TO EARTH in power and great glory, He will meet His Bride the church, who has been raptured in the air, and the marriage supper will take place.
    In the meantime, after the church is raptured, the world will suffer the unprecedented outpouring of God's wrath, which our Lord called the great tribulation (Matthew 24:21).

    The Rapture and Blessed Hope of the Church is that Christ comes in the air for His own (those people will rejoice!) BEFORE the day of God's wrath. God did not appoint us to wrath!

    The Glorious Appearing is that Christ comes WITH HIS OWN to earth. That coming will be immediately after the tribulation and will be seen by ALL who have been left here on earth and were not raptured, those people will MOURN.

    I believe your interpretation of Scripture, of the teaching according to the apostle Paul and our LORD Jesus is in error... and I continue to believe you are in grave error to call fellow believers "false teachers" in respect to beliefs about pre-trib rapture!

    I agree wholeheartedly that what is not true is false. By the way, in one of your comments you said there was no trumpet before the tribulation. Hmmmm... 1 Thessalonians 4:16 plainly states that we will hear the trumpet call of God (the last trumpet for the church. NOT to be confused with the trumpet judgments of Revelation 8:7-11:19).

    RAPTURE PASSAGES OF SCRIPTURE: John 14:1-3; Romans 8:19; 1 Corinthians 1:7-8, 15:51-53, 16:22; Philippians 3:20-21, 4:5; Colossians 3:4; 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 2:19, 4:13-18, 5:9,23, 2:3; 1 Timothy 6:14, 2 Timothy 4:1,8; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 9:28; James 5:7-9; 1 Peter 5:4; 1 John 2:28-3:2; Jude 1:21; Revelation 2:25

    SECOND COMING: Daniel 2:44-45, 7:9-14, 12:1-3; Zechariah 12:10, 14:1-15; Matthew 13:41, 24:15-31, 26:64; Mark 13:14-27, 14:62; Luke 21:25-28; Acts 1:9-11, 3:19-21; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10, 2:8; 1 Peter 4:12-13; 2 Peter 3:1-14; Jude 1:14-15; Revelation 1:7, 19:11-20:6, 22:7,12,20.

    I highly recommend a book called CHARTING THE END TIMES written by Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice which is a visual guide to understanding Bible Prophesy, the End Times, the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Millennium... Check it out; these Godly men love the LORD Jesus Christ and His Word as much as you do and they show from Scriptures that the pre-tribulation Rapture "makes the most sense; (my words) and show how "inaccurate" other teachings are...
    2007-06-13 13:44:30 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Rev Mahabir,
    I deleted your last post (not accidentally). I believe there is no any reason for either of us to keep "beating a dead horse". You have your opinions; please keep them on your blog and I will keep mine from off your blog.
    Sincerely in Christ,
    2007-06-13 23:17:14 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Hi!Sharon I would like to mention something to you with love ok,you have written;The judgement of God against a Christ rejecting world.and I agree..`What conserns me, i want to take thee occasion to explain to you,you see the "God" that you mention is the one and only God that i Worship and Adore the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the living God who taketh away the sin of the world...Please Sharon read ,1 Cor,15:24-28 ..and maybe please,,1 Cor,3:23 peace be with you always. Love in Jesus byebye.and we must not forget that God the Father loved us first Jn3:16 Glory be His Holy Name in Jesus Christ our Lord Name amen..
    2007-06-17 18:20:56 Posted by jetaime ()

    Hi jetaime,
    I don't know why you put the God I mentioned in quotes ("God") because He is the One and Only Living God, the Sovereign LORD of the Universe and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ... and I don't get your point of using those two Scriptures in Corinthians, either. I believe fully FROM SCRIPTURE in a pre-tribulation Rapture... Rev M does not... perhaps you do not also; I'm not sure if that is what concerns you. But, apparently you are not in agreement with me about something, so as I said to Rev. Mahabir, there is no sense "beating a dead horse"...When I see the two of you (and others of course) in the clouds when Christ returns for His Church, then we'll all know beyond a shadow of a doubt. And you know what, it won't matter then!
    2007-06-17 20:55:38 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Sharon it as got nothing to do with the rev Mahabir...I just use what i read and made the point when you mention God and Christ you see ..i will stay with my Father who is on His Throne and with Jesus who is carring out his Father Plan ..I at the foot of the cross I will keep on praying and wait for Him on his time..love in Jesus byebye.. I will see you on a cloud someday,whenever He is ready... I read some other post .and they put Jesus before the Father and for me that is idolatry.. Forget it ok sharon you are a nice lady but some how we did not understand eache other ...I repeat it has got nothing to do with your previous post of the Rev..
    2007-06-18 15:31:28 Posted by jetaime ()

    jetaime, thanks for clarifying your statements... As Christians we need to do that with each other especially, and I appreciate your taking time to do so.
    About the "other post who put Jesus before the Father" and you feel that is idolatry... You do know that Jesus said, "The Father and I are one", right? We are to worship the CHRIST, for the Father has put all under His (Jesus') authority and He is our Lord and our God. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit are One. Do I "understand" that? No, but I believe and accept that it is so. Jesus was fully God and fully Man. No one else can claim such a wondrous Truth! (Well, excuse me, they CAN claim it, but not truthfully!)
    God bless...
    2007-06-18 18:52:40 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Amen.In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit peace be with you and yours.love in Jesus,byebye
    2007-06-19 17:53:52 Posted by jetaime ()

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