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Dear Brenda, I have missed reading Your blogs as my time to read blogs has been very limited lately... so, I've had to go through many of Your posts. What a lovely post this one is! Wow! What great advice. When we give out good... good will come back to us, pressed down, shaken together, running over. Sadly, it is the same with bad and evil if we sow that.
Thank You!
Many, many blessings to You,
2008-06-10 14:37:05 Posted by Eve Juurik ()
It is hard to keep in touch with so many blogging. Anyway A great post.
In Gods Love.
2008-06-10 23:49:04 Posted by Bro Larry ()
Hi Brenda,
Another beautiful post, so true, a cheerful heart. We should be glad and cheerful all the time, as we are the children of the most High God.
God bless you and yours with a great day in HIM...
With God's Love,
2008-06-11 10:31:02 Posted by Lois J. ()
Hi Brenda, peace and grace to you. Your post is great. I pray that God's people would continuall stay with preaching the gospel-the power of God unto salvation, rather than depending on worldly methods. I also pray dear sister that the object of our preaching the gospel would be to save souls, rather than enlarging church membership only. God bless you and yours. thanks for reminding all that our God is not a man that He should lie, and His power never fails.
2008-06-12 16:30:56 Posted by serola ()
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