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Thank-you, brother for that insightful truth! I find that the chastening of God is a way of life is a way of life for me. I need to be reminded that it is for my benefit as a son. For if I didn't receive it I would not truly be one of His. I'm learning to thank Him for it, painful as it always is. Frankly, I want all of God's blessings for me and am willing to endure whatever it takes to obtain them.
2006-03-19 22:13:36 Posted by Michael (Pilgrim's Journal) ()
God does not really want us to "endure chastisement".. He wants us to be obedient to His Word! Chastisement brings us to that point. God wants to bless us as we walk with Him without compromise or excuse... no matter what so that He can bless us exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or hope for!
2006-03-20 10:30:38 Posted by Bob (Michael)
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