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    There is meaning in all struggles, great and small. I think it is both easier to overlook the small ones and to let them cause us the least consternation or the joy that I think we should should have in them.

    I think you know this one well:

    James 1:2-3 (NIV)

    2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

    I do not say that I do well with this. I do find it easier to be joyful with the smaller trials when I can see them, and I wish that God would see fit to only send the small ones my way, at times. (especially now)

    Sometimes the trial is due to my actions or lack thereof. I have thought in the past of this only in the way of punishment as I was due, but the truth is, I generally do not punish my children because I am angry with them and they deserve it. Rather, I punish them because I Love them and that they need it as a way of guidance.

    It should be so obvious, but it is not. My faith falters on this, primarily because I do not keep this in mind and focus enough on God's will for me. I am a selfish and willful child, but despite this, My Heavenly Father Loves me, and very greatly. What was the cost of my redemption?

    To the greater trials, I sometimes wonder: Is God giving us greater trials to ready us for greater blessings? Is it preparation for us to be able to do greater things? Is it just to get our attention because we have been distracted and not listening to more gentle chastisement?

    I'd say it could be any and/or all of those, but only God can fathom his purpose there. I would like to understand this completely, but am pretty sure that I never will. His thoughts are just too high above my thoughts here. Call that faith, or a gut feeling or a hunch or whatever you want to call it. I will still seek an answer, but I don't expect that I need one to function, so I would not suppose that God has to supply me the answer to that question in the manner that I might wish.

    Jon, be thankful of therei trials. Be tahnkful of your own. There is pain for you to help them deal with. Be thankful that you have the opportunity to do that. Honestly, I find it easier to give up my anxieties when I am worried about someone else than when I worry about my own problems. There might be a secret buried in just that truth, or I might just be a little off kilter here.

    I am not trying to give answers as much as point a way that I might think it would be profitable to look. You know where to look. You know who to ask. Do so!

    Be Blessed my brother,

    2006-03-20 23:59:03 Posted by Mel ()

    I hope that the previous comment is not taken as chastisement of you. The way you preamble your post leads me to believe that you could take it the wrong way. I encourage you, in wisdom, to share these concerns with your your brothers and sisters in Christ, so that we may help you carry that burden. That I truely believe is the Lord's will in this. To have these trials is to be expected, and I do not believe that they all come about because we are fighting the good fight and that Satan opposes us only when we are doing good. Rather I feel that sometimes that might be the case, but as we see in Job, it is only allowed as part of God's will. He does this to better us and to bless us. It is strange at times to think of these trials as blesings themselves, but you might indeed find that to be true when you reflect back on past trials, even the ones that did not go so well.

    Rest easy. We are with you on this, and more importantly, God is with you in this.


    2006-03-21 00:21:14 Posted by Mel ()

    Thanks Mel,
    Not taking offense. The reminder of the purpose of trials is the starting place for me. It seems like I keep getting stuck there. Yes, it has purpose, yes it builds character. And it passes and I start over the next time. This is really be revealed lately with the regular return of the same church problems. What I'm hopeing to get to is changing my, and maybe these kids, expectations. So the trials aren't so disabling from the start.
    2006-03-21 01:09:44 Posted by Jon ()

    Hi there Jon -

    I remember the first time I desperatly needed an answer from God. I got down on my knees and said "Lord, I read in the bible how all these great men called out to you and you answered them. Well I'm here before you calling out and I really need you to answer me. And I laid me request before Him and then waited. And every time I EARNESTLY seeked Him, I received the answer I needed. Why we don't seek all the time, baffles me intensly, but he promises that if we keep his commands and walk in His ways, HE WILL ANSWER!"

    God Bless

    2006-03-23 16:52:38 Posted by Lee ()

    Wow, I really like you!!! We think alike.

    Being a Christian is not an easy way of life. Our God is a good and perfect God. He gives us trials, and blessings at the same time. He wants us to learn and lean on Him for everything. If someone wants to worship easily, let them get a rock and worship to that. Of course, they would be WAY OFF what they are supposed to be doing, but it is easy. The Rock will ask nothing of them and they can do as they please.

    God Bless.
    2006-03-30 09:59:39 Posted by Kelly4Jesus ()

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