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I don't know if you can see how I made the connection to Jon's post. The light litterally went on when I tought about the heart of the person we are trying to reach out to. Understanding that key is what his sharing of insight into God's plan for us gave to me! I cannot see that as consciously his intention! I am wondering when a rock is going to hit me in the head and "speak" to me. (maybe figuratively, although I must allow God to do tht litterally, if that is his desire) I pray it doesn't hurt too much!
In Christ,
2007-03-15 03:52:38 Posted by Mel ()
Tell me, my friend, what exactly are you trying to teach or defend here?
How many passages in the Holy Scriptures can be extracted and turned into the basis of cultic practices? Shall we dance around a fire with serpents and drink poison since the Scriptures say that these things shall not harm us? Shall we all sell everything we own and live in communes as they did in the beginning of the church? Do we anoint with oil as James instructs us?
How many scriptures can defend a woman's place in authority and how many can deny the very same thing. Paul wrote to Timothy that he should study that he might rightly divide the word of truth. We must see the whole of God's Word, not bits and snipets, to determine correct theology and even then, it is not always clear. I do believe that there are places where we must rely wholly on the Spirit of God to direct us and when we are directed by Him, no amount of debate will dissuade us from where we stand.
God's call on a person's life never comes as "I want you to have authority over them". There is a ministry call, a prophetic call, a teaching call, etc. and when God speaks it into our lives, it comes as just that. Sometimes that means a place of authority and sometimes not.
In His Service,
2007-03-15 06:09:50 Posted by Teri ()
Hi your posts but dont always comment.Heavy stuff! You make me think quite a lot. Very interesting comment from Teri here as well. A lot of this is way beyond me...think I will stick to writing my simple poems! God bless
2007-03-15 06:26:46 Posted by Colin ()
bonjour,Mel very interesting post,Iam learning new insight every day I am just a vessel being fill a new every day,and letting His Spirit through the words of His people, choose the words that are righ for this humble vessel for His glory.. awaiting for His coming soon..thank you Mel in Jésus..stay happy good comments of Teri
2007-03-15 09:03:50 Posted by jetaime ()
Hi, Mel. Once again you've shared a very private struggle of yours in a very public forum and invited us to comment. You know how I feel on this, as I've commented on other posts of yours about this subject, so I won't rehash it.
I wrote a rather long comment a few minutes ago, but my Internet service blanked out just as I hit the "Save Message" button, so I'll keep it short this time. We all, regardless of gender, need to let the light of Jesus in us shine before men. We need to preach Jesus crucified, resurrected and coming again, and let the rest sort itself out.
We do need to consider the heart of the person hearing the message when we think about how to deliver that message, but most of all, we need to obey God and speak if He says to speak, and keep silent if He says to keep silent, regardless of who might be offended. As my pastor says, sometimes God offends our minds to expose our hearts.
As to the subject of who should be in leadership in a church, I say let God call whom He will, and let that person be obedient to follow.
Have a blessed day in our Lord, y'all!
2007-03-15 09:30:59 Posted by Traci ()
didn't know how to make a footprint, so I left a odd little funny face behind. :O)
God bless
2007-03-15 15:05:20 Posted by Lee ()
From my experience of dealing with people in church leadership it feels like we should throw out 90% of who's in there and start looking for people with passion and a heart for God first and worry about gender and marital status if it gets to where we have plenty to choose from.
2007-03-15 20:39:45 Posted by Jon ()
I have thought about the anointing with oil thing. I am for it! (but won't get really knotted up over that one at this point) On snakes and fire, and other such things: I will not be too harsh if I think they are truely trying to follow scripture, even when I think they are possibly mislead. I'd probabaly talk to them, and be ignored. There is probably another voice for them somewhere. And yet it could be mine, so I should speak and let God use it as he will.
I agree that being guided by the Holy Spirit is best. There is another can of worms I could open here, but one thing at a time. There are people you will reach that I will not. If you are called: Answer.
You are probably the wisest in what is said here.
Merci. Bonjour. Je ne comprend toute! (heh)
The subtly of it is profound. I agree with what you say, but I think the attitude we get when someone says 'regardless of gender' is that men and women are the same. We are not! And that is not to say that you or Teri or Lois or any other specific woman is not called to do what they do!
Thanks! If Colin was wisest, I can percieve that little twinkle in your eye, and know that you may be being foolish, but a fool for Christ, and I know your voice will be heard where mine will not!
That is pragmatic and just. It is where we are at. It is not where I think we should be!
Blessings and True Joy,
2007-03-16 02:21:24 Posted by Mel ()
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