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Dear Brenda,
Greetings in the name of our precious Savior, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Thank you for your post of the Scripture and your comments on them. It was a blessing to me. May it be a blessing to many. I wish to thank the Lord for his gracious sacrifice for us.
Blessings on your life, on the lives of your loved ones and on the good works that God has prepared in advance for you to do (Eph. 2:10).
I pray that you will have a blessed Easter.
Your brother in Christ,
PS: After you have read what follows, you may delete it.
Some time ago you visited one of my blogs and made a comment but I did not get back to you. My apologies. I was away from the computer for a while because of my eyes. I had cataract surgery and had to rest them.
I have three blogs on Christians Unite and I am endeavouring to share the Gospel and to be faithful to the inspired Word.
I will be grateful if you can visit them and tell others about them. From the link at the bottom of my comment you can access my BIBLE STUDY BLOG and under BLOG ROLL on this blog there are links to the other blogs. As an ordained minister, I believe very strongly that God has given me this ministry because of the many false teachers who claim faithfulness to God and his Word.
I will be thankful for comments both positive and negative.
The apostle Paul exhorts us to pray for all the saints. I will be praying for you and your loved ones. May God lead you into all the good works that he has prepared in advance for you to do (Eph. 2:10).
I have a rebuttal on my BIBLE STUDY BLOG to the false theories about the offspring of JESUS and the bones of JESUS that are flooding the media and causing "weak" believers to question their faith.
2007-03-28 11:01:48 Posted by Joseph E. Mahabir (Rev.) (
Thanks Bro. Joseph for your comment. It always blesses me when someone drops by.
I understand about your not getting back. Sometimes we can not always be and do things at the proper time.
I do not know why I was drawn to this site, but felt led very strongly, of the Lord to start posting "From the Word" here at this blog. God has reasons that we do not know. I want to do my best for Him, who has done so much for me.
I will try to visit your other blogs. The Word sure needs to be out there for some who may otherwise not see it.
Everyone sees things in a different light, sometines concerning scriptures, but I feel my calling is just to put it out there as it is, and let the Spirit of God do the rest. I understand about all the false doctrine. It is sad that Christians can't be united.
I can never repay God for what He has done for me and my family.
Please remember one of our sons in your prayers, who has backslidden from God, and quit going to church after being raised in church all his life. IT BREAKS OUR HEART! We continure to trust and believe God for the best.Satan is not going to win this one, in Jesus Name!!!
In His Service,
2007-03-28 11:37:17 Posted by From God's Word ()
Brenda thank you for sharing the upper room scene,I betrayde Him once you know a couple of years ago I had a lots of tribulations And I told Him (God) I did not believe he existed and for a fraction of a fraction of a second I felt nonixistence,Brenda I cry after that moment, I was so shameful so full of sorrow to have betrayde my God, my existence, my everything,and I am still today I am a humble servant at His think that one in time past He washed our feet Brenda got to go cry and ask for forginess now again and again..Brenda remember, as for your son permit me to remind you we serve a loving God his way are not or way and sometime we got to let go and let God ,I am sure Brenda that you do that.. He has got a plan, and I learn, with much joy by looking at the way God brings his sheep to the pasture .The bigger the problem the bigger My God is, I get great confort in waching the redeeming graces that His shed blood and death on a cross brought to us all those who believe in the Son of the Living God .Our Father is a God of compassion and mercy ...well you know all that got to go love in jesus byebye
2007-03-28 16:41:20 Posted by jetaime ()
Hi Jetaime, thanks for your comment. I am so blessed that you were blessed. I can imagine how you felt when you betrayed God, but aren't you glad that He forgives and forgets our sins. The Bible says, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. 1 John 2: 1 says- - My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:--We only have to ask and believe. He holds no grudge as people sometimes do. We really do serve a Wonderful God!!! The only true God. Oh why can't everyone see?
Thanks for being concerned about our son. Our faith has really been tried. Yes we are waiting for God's plan to be revealed concerning him and his family.
Love and Blessings to you,
2007-03-28 16:54:14 Posted by From God's Word ()
Hi glad you are uplifting the Blood. Will be praying for your son. God bless my friend
2007-03-28 18:58:19 Posted by Anonymous (Colin)
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