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    Comment List
    Hi Mel,
    I agree that it is the heart that matters most... and while man looks at the outward appearance, only God can see in the heart. I am thankful for that!
    May His Blessings and Grace rest upon you.
    serving Jesus with Joy!
    2007-03-28 21:33:35 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Hi, Mel! Your post brings to mind a friend who is great when it comes to giving to others, but isn't very comfortable when others want to bless her with a gift of any sort. I suspect you struggle with this issue as well.

    Like I told her the other day, though, it may be more blessed to give than to receive, but someone has to receive what's being given for the giver to be blessed. So, if someone gives you a compliment (to use an example you mentioned), bless them by receiving it with a simple "Thank you." Let's practice now, shall we? Here's the compliment: Mel, I am blessed by your willingness to share your inner struggles with us through your blog postings. You often provoke us to think about things in a way we might not have otherwise, and you definitely keep things lively here.

    Now, what do you say? ;-)

    Blessings from the Lord to you and your household, my brother!

    2007-03-28 22:34:25 Posted by Traci ()

    <<mumbles>> Thank you.

    2007-03-28 23:55:05 Posted by Mel ()

    Ok, Ok...

    Seriously, thank you Traci.

    I do not mean to say that it is easy. Quite honestly, I don't think it should become so easy that we think we really are worthy at all. However, as equals before God, I can accept it. Just not easily. It is easier when you think of it from the other end, though. The one that would be easiest would be to thank God for giving me some insight. I'd feel more like I was accepting the Trophy for the Coach or the Team, and knowing that would make it easier to do...

    In Truth,

    2007-03-29 00:00:47 Posted by Mel ()

    So Sharon, what is the story behind '41'? I mean, why not sharon5 or sharon007?

    I'll tell you what: I'll expain that little smiley for you:

    ;'{P is the most typical form.

    ; is for one eye winking.

    ' is for my prominent proboscis

    { is for the mustache that few have seen me without

    P is for the silly tongue that I hang out a lot

    If you see one followed by a little or a lot of this:


    That's blowing razzberries. (sometimes razzberries express so much more eloquently those things that mere words cannot make known!)


    ^^^That is really really sloppy razzberries. Few things warrant that treatment...

    Oh, and thanks for comment!

    In Christ,

    2007-03-29 00:54:51 Posted by Mel ()

    I know what you mean, Mel, about it being hard to accept compliments. I had that problem, too, and still do sometimes. It was my mom who told me to just smile and say thanks. Sometimes I actually take her advice... :-)

    I find it hardest to take compliments for insights I share when teaching and for my creative stuff (poems, photos, jewelry I've made, dances I do at church, etc.). With other Christians, it's easy to wave off the compliment with something like, "God made it; I just pointed my camera at it and clicked." They smile and nod (and occasionally say Amen) because they understand what I'm saying.

    When you say something like that to nonbelievers, you usually see a look cross their face like, "Oh no, the holy roller is at it again; I'll just humor her." That's why I usually just smile and say thanks.

    The way I see it, my obedience to use what God has given me obviously has blessed the other person in some way; that's why they're paying a compliment. Saying thanks is my way of blessing them back because they have ministered encouragement to me with their compliment.

    However you handle it, the trick is to give God the credit for it while avoiding the trap of false modesty. Not easy to do, is it?

    (Now, to change the subject and address the rest of your comment: my smiley is just eyes (sometimes with a wink), nose and mouth. I think a face without a nose is odd, don't you? If our smileys would automatically convert from type to graphics, like some websites do, then I'd just skip the nose. Come to think about it though, if our website did that, how would it convert your smiley, Mel? It's so unique that I don't think an emoticon program would recognize it as a smiley. I'm glad you explained it, because I wasn't sure exactly what all the parts were about. ;-)

    Enough nonsense! Back to whatever I'm supposed to be doing. Have a blessed day!

    2007-03-29 11:11:53 Posted by Traci ()

    Okay, Mel, first I liked what you all have said about accepting "compliments". I've struggled with that most of my life. Then someone told me I was "harboring false humility". At the time I was a little offended! "Givers" do find it hard to be "takers" -- but I agree with you all that we need to learn to smile and say a simple thank you and graciously give God the credit. I don't think that is being false at all.

    Thank you for explaining your smiley, Mel! I appreciate both the explanation and the meaning! :-)

    Now, about "sharon41". I didn't know there were so many "Sharons" in the world, so when I tried "sharon" as a username anywhere, it was already taken. So, I used my ingenuity (LOL) and put the ending year of my birthdate with my name and viola' it became "sharon41", and not 1841 either!

    Blessings to you all!
    serving Jesus with Joy!

    2007-03-29 13:06:10 Posted by sharon41 ()

    Hey! Mel Hi,¦­­-) accepting is a Divine way of giving, when others that are more in need are willing to give you what they have.. "I think" but!! when I think it best to back off sometimes(lol)..God the Father demostrated His first act of love toward us by GIVING ,was He in need , I think so, cause He loved us , so much,(you see God feels) (we are created in his image)He was in pain for His lost creation so out of love He gave part of Himself if not all God the Father demonstrated his first act of love toward us by the act of GIVING JN,3:16 Jesus being our teacher showed us how to recieve the part in Jn,3:16 ohh lala ok..Mary gave, and Jesus recieve... where were we Mel help..love in Jesus byebye
    2007-03-29 13:59:10 Posted by jetaime ()

    Thanks Traci, Sharon & Jetaime.

    In Christ,

    2007-03-30 11:24:30 Posted by Mel ()

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