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Hey Mel -
Firstly, thanks for elaborating on some stuff. Just reading your story is enough to incite anger in me, probably because I am dealing with government offices myself at this time. But mostly, I smile, becuase at least you now know you get to travel the trains for free! :O)
Still not seeing the entire picture, one thing i commend you on is the fact that you seemed to handle it well. Ok, perhaps I wasn't there when you blew up, but I think it would have also struggled keeping it under control.
As for the FBI - no comment as I still don't know what the charges are, but trust you have done the correct thing.
Seek God in everything you do and ensure you are obedient to that which he has asked you to do.
God bless
2008-03-31 09:22:39 Posted by Lee ()
Thanks, sis!
In Truth,
2008-04-09 00:43:03 Posted by Mel ()
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