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Amen! Bro.Bob, what a great message....Yes God created us to walk with him....He wanted a family, someone to communicate with.....Is a joy to our Lord, when we walk close to Him with a pure heart, and tell Him how much we love Him.....Yes, the lineage will go on from generation to generation.....
Our God is Awesome!
God bless! have a great and wonderful day...
In Christian love...........
2006-05-22 09:38:34 Posted by Lois ()
I like the sound of that!
"Marsha walked with Me"
God's Blessings Bob
2006-05-22 14:39:45 Posted by Marsha ()
Surely, I am a product of my mother's legacy.
Check out this different spin: As John said that he must decrease and Christ must increase, each day that we walk with God we should decrease, right? So, the word says that Enoch walked with God and he was not because God took him. As we grow and mature, do we become more and more "taken" by God? Is it not our goal to be "taken" to the point that we "are not"?
Hope you get my point...Hope it makes sense.
In His Service,
2006-05-22 19:34:08 Posted by Teri ()
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