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    Comment List
    I could have done with the whole context (maybe 11:1-6?) on that one. By itself, it is bewildering. Not that my understanding is right, but the context brings me to see that because we do not know what tommorrow may bring, "cast your bread upon the waters." It seems to me to say to give it all up, but maybe some scholars out there could illuminate this passage better.

    The world is full of signs and portents, but if we are caught up in watching them do "do the right thing, in the right time" (by our own miserable understanding) and not doing anything, we will get just that. Nothing will get done.

    It is not for us to know what will prosper and what will fail. We need to do all tasks as faithfully as we can, which is tough to do.

    Good pasage to think about, I think. Thanks!

    In Truth,

    2006-05-25 13:02:57 Posted by Mel ()

    Hi Marsha, enjoyed your verse....
    God bless you as you work in the vineyard of our Lord....

    I will add a little more of Ecc:11:1-6 as some may not get the real meaning......These verses contain a series of saying about the uncertainty of human industry, and are held together by the fourfold occurrence of the expression (thou knowest not). Although man cannot comprehend God's work, nor predict success, he needs to be involved in life's activities and trust God for the results...

    The thought of the book centers in six key ideas. Three of these are negative and revolve around the problems of life: l. All is vanity. 2. Man is limited. 3. God is hidden....
    The other three are positive and give the solution to like's crises: l. Fear God and keep His commandments. 2. Enjoy life. 3. Use wisdom properly. All six ideas are scattered throughout the book, but taken together they demonstrate that the purpose of the book is to show men that they should lead godly and joyous lives, though they live in a world of divinely condoned mysteries....

    In Christian Love......
    2006-05-25 15:50:25 Posted by Lois J. ()

    I think the message is really simple... we are to give even to the point that we throw things to teh wind or upon the waters so to speak... because it will come back to us in the days to come. Give to 7 or 8... for you do not know what will come on you tomorrow and you may need someone else's help.

    There is a saying that people who are friends have friends. If we wait until the wind is right to sow... we will never sow.

    God wants us to give of ourselves to those around us as often as we possibly can even if we do not need anything in return!

    Kind of like "give and it shall be given back to you pressed down and shaken together and running over!"

    Whew.. I am just getting warmed up here!

    2006-05-25 15:53:39 Posted by Bob ()

    Hi Mel, Lois J., and Bob
    Thank you for your comments
    In Jesus Hame
    2006-05-25 20:14:51 Posted by Marsha ()

    Hi Marsha, thank you for the verse. In fishing: When you cast your bread on the waters you will attract fish of all types. I understand it to mean that giving today, can be good for someone tomorrow. Giving for Christian aid today, will help someone in the years to come. Preaching the word today may not bear fruit, YET!! Someday, when you share Christ with a friend in need, you do not know what return you will get, when you invest time with someone, what will be your reward? Maybe a well done you good & faithfull servant, from the one who saves you. Be not mean with your gifts that your heavenly Father has given to you.
    It means all these things, as I understand it.
    Love in His Name Stuart
    2006-05-26 02:43:43 Posted by Stuart (stuart@sadrankin.com)

    Hi Stuart, thank you very much for your comment.
    May God richly bless you!
    In Jesus Name
    2006-05-26 13:25:00 Posted by Marsha ()

    Yeah, thanks Stuart!

    In Christ,

    2006-05-26 16:37:34 Posted by Mel ()

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