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That's a good point. We should always be asking ourselves how what we are doing is going to affect God and others. Sin always hurts somebody.
2006-05-27 08:31:08 Posted by Jeanette ()
Enjoyed your message Bob...Yes our sins will find us out...So walk in the Spirit and don't give room for the flesh. As a Christain we need to walk the talk.....
God bless!
In Christian Love......
2006-05-27 09:24:52 Posted by Lois ()
This is not critcism just want clarification. Didn't Gehahazi go after Naaman and use Elisha's name? Enjoyed the post however, well done
Be blessed
2006-05-27 13:24:56 Posted by Ross ()
I wrote....
Gehazi, who was a servant of Elisha, heard what took place and after Naaman left, he decided to go after him to receive the gifts that Naaman offered to Elisha. Listen to what Gehazi told Naaman, “My master has sent me saying, ‘Behold, even now there be come to me from Mount Ephraim two young men of the sons of prophets, give them I pray thee, a talent of silver and two changes of clothes.’” Naaman gave him the request and Gehazi returned home.
Yep...He went falsly asking for this gift on Elisha's behalf...
2006-05-27 16:13:56 Posted by Bob ()
Sorry i should have clarified my question. this is what i was asking about
Gehazi decided in his heart that he wanted what Elisha refused. He knew that he did not deserve the gifts because he went in Naaman’s name. still a good post
Be blessed
2006-05-28 17:55:56 Posted by Ross ()
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