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2006-05-29 09:06:21 Posted by Jeanette ()
Amen! Have enjoyed your message. Yes what a blessing it is to keep God's commandments. The word says, Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. God's storehouse is full of gifts, thas has never been opened, just waiting for you to ask..The word say's you have not, because ye ask not.
What a blessing to feel God's love all around you, just like a warm blanket, when He takes us in His arms. Obedience how great, he loves His children to good and wants the best for them......Praise His Holy Name....
God Bless you Bob....I so enjoy your messages, you can feel the love of God in your writing.
Thank you for sharing the good news....
In Christian Love..........
2006-05-30 00:58:21 Posted by Lois ()
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