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    Comment List
    I found that interesting indeed!

    Have a great weekend

    God Bless
    2005-11-11 16:00:07 Posted by Lee ()

    What you have to see in this though is a view that is put forth by media. Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell do they represent you? I would have to say both have jumped in and made claims I disagree with but thats how the public sees us all because they are the ones who are seen. Society has gotten to a point now that if you disagree with something then obviously you hate those that stand for it. I know I disagree with homosexuality, I don't however hate homosexuals but we are not given the option of loving the sinner but hating the sin. It' all about the spin the media puts on everything. Look at Walmart trying to squash Christmas right now Quanza is ok but christmas is not nobody is saying however that Walmart hates christians they are just trying to be fair to all If we as evangelicals tried to do something similar we would be hateful. Stop the media persuasion let people see us for what we truly are not what they are told and things might change
    Be Blessed
    2005-11-11 23:20:43 Posted by Ross ()

    That may be true for a lot of us but I'd have to say that I've seen a lot of christians not showing love. Its very easy to say "hate the sin,love the sinner" but much harder to actually do it. Especially when more of our time is involved in political battles than in worship. Its a great point that we never chose Falwell as our spokesmen. Its helpful to remember that others we see weren't chosen to represent gays, atheiests, kids etc. We just need to show His love all the more to overcome the damage done.
    For example the gay marriage issue came to a head because gays with aids couldn't get health care because their marriages weren't legal. If the church had better responded to hurting people we could have built bridges instead of walls.
    2005-11-12 00:45:13 Posted by Jon ()

    2005-11-12 01:10:52 Posted by Anonymous ()

    2005-11-12 01:10:54 Posted by Anonymous ()

    What you say is true Jon and I'm a firm believer that the church not the government should also be distributing welfare if the church would step up and act as it did in the Apostolic age we would not need the government to bail out so much of the population and could reduce taxes for all but maybe I'm just dreamin
    2005-11-12 01:14:38 Posted by Ross ()

    Do you think that one of the biggest problems for us, as the body of Christ, has been in the past, passivity? We were willing to let little bits and pieces of errant behavior into our society and now those little bits and pieces have become huge tears in the fabric of society. I agree that we cannot come at people with a rod of iron and expect them to be moved toward Christ, but we cannot remain in the shadows and hope that things just work out. Did you ever wonder why gays have marches down the middle of main street, waving their rainbow flags, and yet you never see a Christian march with us waving the blood-stained banner? Why is it that so much attention is given to those men, Fallwell and others? Is it because there are no other leaders to look at?
    Truth is, in this country, we are pampered and comfortable. As long as I am preserved in my little corner, as long as I remain comfortable, as long as no-one steps on my itty-bitty toes, I will be happy! Kinda the "we four and no more" mentality.
    I would also like to add, in my church, nearly every Sunday, we are taking up offerings to help families out, but eventually the funds run out. All around us, churches are folding up, they cannot seem to hold their own, let alone help to hold someone else. People do not give up their money so easily these days.

    In His Service,
    2005-11-12 07:38:10 Posted by Teri ()

    People do not give up their money? in truth is it theirs? The option to people giving money for these things to the church is to give it to the government. all the social programs, grants, wlfare cost us money it does not cost politicians anything it is us that pays the bill so if we don't want to give to the church those same politicians are gping to redistribute the wealth
    Be Blessed
    2005-11-12 18:36:47 Posted by Ross ()

    What I am saying is...the people in our church are the most giving that you will ever meet. And no, in reality the money and everything that we own belongs to God. Still, as days and times continue, people grow more and more greedy.
    As far as the whole government thing goes, does God's word say that He sets up kingdoms and governments? And, to be very honest Ross, we live in a great country. Sure, it has it's faults, but it is still better, far better than alot of other countries. I do not desire to get into a political debate, just giving my thoughts.

    In His Service,
    2005-11-14 06:17:35 Posted by Teri ()

    just so you know Teri I didn't want to get in a political debate either especially when I agree we live in a GREAT countryno offense intended
    2005-11-14 20:23:40 Posted by Ross ()

    2005-11-15 05:39:11 Posted by Teri ()

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