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Excellent Mel - wish I could spend a day inside your head - Don't think I could handle more than a day though - probably would drive myself mad!
I enjoy reading these posts - really interests me!
God Bless
2005-11-28 14:38:44 Posted by Lee ()
Over 64K hits from Google on the Net. Yikes! I hope I don't have to search too long. I might be better served to let the scientists bang their heads on this one for a while. After all, that is what they get paid to do.
Sorry, but I have not gotten the reference yet that I wanted.
2005-12-02 00:16:11 Posted by Mel ()
Science works by studying things that can be repeated it is observation anyone that puts faith in science over God will usually claim that science is a clear arguement against God but you can dispute that by asking them to show any proof that their is no God and know that anything they can give you is false because there is no body of scientific work that dismisses God, or creation and actually science supports the idea of God
Be blessed
2005-12-03 03:18:34 Posted by Ross ()
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