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Bro.Bob, another great post! Good reminder....
A true statement, sin takes us farther than we want to go.....
God bless, you and yours.
P/S enjoyed your website, many goldent nuggets to read and search out. A blessing!
With God Love................
2006-11-02 12:24:13 Posted by Lois ()
And yet...
David was still considered a man after God's own heart. At this point, he was distanced, but he found his way back. Yes, at terrible cost. What suprises me most is that he commited adultery, murder and Lord knows what else he may have done to try and cover up that first sin, which as you put it, may have been not going to battle with his soldiers, and yet, he was still redeemable.
You see people caught in sin, or you may find yourslef caught in sin, and you beat yourslef up and concentrate on the fact that you are not worthy. That is an incomplete thought that comes from Satan. Indeed, you and I, we never were worthy on our own merits. The fact that we failed could be predicted even by us ourselves! And yet we try to secret it away, and deny it. The hold gets stronger, and we feel more unworthy.
As Paul rhetorically asks: "Who will rescue me from this body of death?" (Rom 7:24b NIV) We know the answer. Grace is what allows you to stand again, when on your own worthlessness, you would fall under the burden of your own guilt.
Go in Grace,
2006-11-02 15:10:32 Posted by Mel ()
Mel... thanks for the comment and I am certainly glad that God sees more in us than we are able to see in ourselves! Were it not for His Amazing Grace I would not be particpating in this forum... that is for sure!
2006-11-02 15:49:01 Posted by Bob ()
Inspired post again Bob. David prayed once..restore unto me the joy of my salvation.. he had not lost salvation but just the joy of it... This gives me heart because when I sin; I will suffer the consequence of that sin but thank God I still belong to Him.
2006-11-02 16:57:15 Posted by Colin ()
Yes David was forgiven but not with out conseqences.we should all remember that.Great Post. Blessings
2006-11-02 21:18:42 Posted by Bro Larry ()
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