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Sarai / Sarah is one of my favourites of the Bible. How she must have suffered with being barren. She laughed when she overheard a stranger say she would bear Abraham's child. Preposterous! But her doubt turned to fear when the stranger confronted her "Is nothing too hard for the Lord." Gen 18:14
A year later Isaac is born. Sarah says "God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." Gen 21:6.
She regarded her new son as bringing laughter to her life - how wonderful for her!
2006-11-12 15:52:00 Posted by Mary Lou ()
Thank You Mary Lou.... I need to remember to inject things like "laughter" into what I'm learning..... My blog must be getting pretty boring with nothing but facts!
2006-11-12 16:40:34 Posted by TalkerCat (
Not boring at all. I love the women of the Bible. They are usually so strong. I write a women's newspaper for my church and I have a feature article about the women in the Bible. I like to read your stuff to get another perspective on them. Thanks for the help! God's blessing on you today! Hugs Mary-Lou
2006-11-13 15:34:08 Posted by Mary Lou ()
Women are wonderful. My next blog will be on Hagar, let's see what kind of person this is.
2006-11-13 20:23:05 Posted by TalkerCat (
I look forward to reading it!!
2006-11-15 16:31:29 Posted by Mary Lou ()
As much as I admire Sarah and see her as a model of faith for women as well as men today, I think that you're missing something of the story if you think she was "self-less" in that episode you mentioned with Hagar. It's pretty obvious to me, and I think to most that giving of Hagar to Abraham was purely an act of unbelief, as was his taking of the girl. God made a promise and it had to die. They were not yet ready for it to do so. Look at all the problems that disobedience has caused since then. Great people make mistakes too! But God is bigger than our mistakes. Praise his name!
2006-11-18 23:22:07 Posted by Michael ()
Thank you brother Michael! I appreciate your observation. In my mind as I read about Sarai giving Abram a surrogate, all I considered was that Sarai was barren, and past the age of childbearing .... ergo I named her "self-less". You are absolutely correct in your reflection that Sarai did not keep her faith in God's promise. Please keep reading my posts, I want to hear from you! Blessings ~ Terri
2006-11-19 12:40:35 Posted by TalkerCat (
Please see my poem on "Poems of a Stranger," entitled "Daughters of Sarah," posted on Oct. 21st this past. It expresses a desire for women of God to rise up and take their rightful place of service in the kingdom. Thanks for listening to my comments!
2006-11-19 16:32:01 Posted by Michael ()
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