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More rapid gun fire rings out in the area. Just recent not far another man and woman was shot again..I truly do not understand all the hatred. Gangs (vs)Gangs. They only know hate.. It is easy to post pretty scriptures when evey thing is rosey. The true test is when isn't. Do you still Praise the Lord in those times? If you do? That's when your reward will come...Praise the Lord Always..He is Good...
God's Blessings!
In Jesus Name
2006-11-10 17:39:31 Posted by Marsha ()
Hi Marsha. I think everyone must know that beautiful psalm of by heart. The first verse I quote to myself all the time. It brings comfort. You must live in a dangerous neighbourhood. Just the other night in our country; a gang of six men went into a bungalow and doused a man and his girlfriend in petrol and set fire to them. The bungalow was completely destroyed. The woman ran down the road in flames to a neighbours house to get help. The man has since died and the woman is seriously ill. I believe in my heart we are living in the ending of the end and men (women) are waxing worse and worse as the Bible said they would. I believe that evil will grow and grow. It is easy to be a Christian when everything is rosey. There is a great time of tribulation coming and already here. May God give us all the grace and courage to stand for Him.
God bless
2006-11-10 18:47:59 Posted by Colin ()
Hi Colin, I agree..It is a truly comforting verse..There is a gang problem in the area I live..Small Police force to handle it.. Sounds really scarey what happened in your area too.. I agree.. It is easy to be a Christian when everything is rosey. What about when they're not?..Do you still Praise the Lord during those times? I do..
God's Blessings Always
In Jesus Name
2006-11-10 20:34:05 Posted by marsha ()
Hi Marsha; it is easy to say we will do this and that for the Lord and ..oh; we will never deny Him especially when our walk with Him is so cosy and easy. I think of the early Christians who were stoned and ripped to pieces with lions and other wild animals. What about the ones who were burned to death because they would not deny their Lord. Christians in other lands are getting persecuted as we speak. I would ask myself the question ... how or what I would do if I was asked to go through those kind of trials. Would I go through torture for Him? I just pray I would be able to stand for Him and He would give me the grace.
God bless
2006-11-11 05:22:48 Posted by Colin ()
Hi Colin, Amen!..I agree..It is easy to sing "Praise Songs" When it's rosey..Would you still sing them if you were being tortured for "His Names" sake".. I know of people that "Love Him" when it is going "Good" ..But "Dump Him" when it isn't..That's when they will lose their reward..I, thank you very much for your comments.
God's Blessings Always
In Jesus Name
2006-11-11 09:01:50 Posted by Marsha ()
Hi Marsha; I just dont like pain..who does? My Lord died for me in great agony. Many saints suffered so much to keep the faith and preserve it when cruel men were trying to stamp it out. I just want to make the point that this faith I have was brought to me at great pain for many and therefore I should not treat it lightly and be prepared to suffer for it if need be to preserve it for my children and grandchildren. How can I do any less when other Christians have suffered to keep the Light burning.
God bless
2006-11-11 13:45:21 Posted by Colin ()
Hi Colin, I'm with you 100%..
I, Thank you very much for your comment
God's Blessings Always
In Jesus Name
2006-11-11 16:37:44 Posted by Marsha ()
Hi Marsha,
Psalm 23 is one of my favorite! THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD!
God bless you and yours, now and always...
With God's Love........
2006-11-11 16:50:09 Posted by Lois ()
Hi Lois, Amen, Psalm 23:.. is one of my favorites too.
I, Thank you very much for your comment.
God's Blessings Always
In Jesus Name
2006-11-11 17:08:42 Posted by Marsha ()
Psalms 23 is my most comforting Psalm My Mom read that when my Dad died. Ill always remember that Psalm. as I remember my Dad. Thanks Marsha. May God Bless
2006-11-11 22:57:04 Posted by Bro Larry ()
Hi Bro Larry, I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. Psalm 23:..Amen, Jesus Is our strength, our comfort..He is our Shepherd.
Thank you very much for your comment.
God's Blessings Always
In Jesus Name
2006-11-12 07:52:59 Posted by Marsha ()
What a wonderful psalm to recite when fear takes over our minds. We need to remember He is in control and we need to let Him lead us. Thanks Marsha.
2006-11-12 15:20:48 Posted by Mary Lou ()
Hi Mary Lou, Amen, I agree.
Thank you very much for your comment.
God's Blessings Always
In Jesus Name
2006-11-12 17:09:35 Posted by Marsha ()
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