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The more I study the world and what it really has to offer, the more I realize that the whole thing is just a big fallen mess and living your life for the here and now really amounts to not having a life at all. The only true life to be found is in Christ alone and I don't mean that to be some pat answer...that's the sheer reality of it. Nothing much really matters except the love of God and bringing others to know Him. We may give up the trappings of this world to put our resources and energy towards the eternal things that really matter, but in the end we are not really giving up or losing a thing.
2006-11-18 00:01:48 Posted by Jeanette ()
Great posts Bro. Larry. To be saved and ready to meet the Lord is the only things that matter.
God bless
2006-11-18 05:06:57 Posted by Colin ()
Hi Bro Larry, I truly enjoyed your wonderful post today. Jesus is the only way. Amen..
God's Blessings
In Jesus Name
2006-11-18 07:53:37 Posted by Marsha ()
Bro Larry, I enjoyed reading your blog today. When we get to our eternal home we will wonder why we spent so much time worrying about this life on earth. We will wonder why we put so much emphasis on the things that we care about here. The only think that really matters is loving and living for our precious Jesus! Blessings to you today!
2006-11-18 10:40:50 Posted by Mary Lou ()
Jesus issued the call to discipleship. It's not easy, but it is worth it in the end!
2006-11-18 22:38:48 Posted by Michael ()
A light burden, bearing your own cross. It defys worldly logic...
Thanks Bro,
2006-11-19 03:44:34 Posted by Mel ()
We are in a supernatural war, and only Christ can carry us through the storms, through which our faith grows stronger.
2006-11-19 22:51:37 Posted by Douglas Gibbs (
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