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Have you ever felt like you entertained an angel?..I have!..Maybe you did and didn't know it.
God's Blessings
In Jesus Name
2006-11-29 14:26:48 Posted by Marsha ()
Hi Marsha,
We should show hospitality to the needy, for it will benefit us as well as them when it is done as to the Lord.....Service well-pleasing to God.
God bless you and yours...
With God's Love.......
2006-11-29 20:29:23 Posted by Lois ()
Hi Marsha; lovely post.
God bless
2006-11-30 03:27:30 Posted by Colin ()
No, I have never felt like I have entertained angels (yet!) but I feel like an angel has entertained me.
I was having a special dinner in a restaurant with my hubby and 2 sons and they were just little tykes (about 4 and 8 years). My little son got up from his chair and hugged my neck and told me he loved me and we shared a special snuggle in the restaurant. When we had finished eating we went to pay our bill. Our bill had already been paid! Some man in the restaurant said how much he enjoyed listening and watching our family share our love and he paid the whole bill!!! In those early years going out to eat was a great extravagance and it was truly a God-moment. I have never forgotten that and now I try to do things for people undetected and in secret and it is so much fun to see the results.
Blessings, hugsml
2006-11-30 14:26:31 Posted by Mary Lou ()
Hi Lois, I agree!..Jesus said what weve done for others..We've done for Him. Amen!
God's Blessings
In Jesus Name
2006-11-30 17:58:30 Posted by Marsha ()
Hi Colin, thank you very much for your comment.
God's Blessings
In Jesus Name
2006-11-30 18:01:41 Posted by Marsha ()
Hi Mary Lou, that is really, really, neat!..
God's Blessings
In Jesus Name
2006-11-30 18:05:14 Posted by Marsha ()
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