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Hi Bro.Bob,
Amen! A great message. Take our burdens to the Lord and leave them there. Some people take their burdens to the Lord, but they don't leave them there, they pick them back up.
I'm sure you have heard this. A man was walking down the road, with a heavy sack on his back, was tired and weary from carring his load. A man with a wagon came along, picked him up, he was so gald to get a ride, but he never took the sack from his shoulder, resting in the wagon, but still carring his load.
Isn't tht just like us people.
God bless you and yours....
With God's Love......
2006-11-30 10:57:43 Posted by Lois ()
Hello Bob,
I love the fact that the Lord is there just waiting to take our burdens on Him. He eagerly wants us to trust in Him and let Him handle our problems.
"All of our worry (even in the name of love - can accomplish absolutely nothing! But all our praying in the name of Jesus can entreat God to accomplish anything." (Beth Moore)
We have to trust God and trust comes to those who take God at His word. I love this verse " Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life." Luke 12:25
Something that I need to rely on more and more.
Thanks for the words of wisdom (again!)
Blessings hugsml
2006-11-30 13:38:58 Posted by Mary Lou ()
Seems like there are a lot of burdens these days. If I didnt have Jesus to turn to; I dont know what I would do'Amen
May God Bless
2006-11-30 22:31:16 Posted by Bro Larry ()
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