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Mel, thanks for sharing, I read the link you
posted.....We serve a mighty God,and He owns it
all, even the cattle on a thousand hills and
the hills with the thousand cattle....There is
nothing our Lord can't do...We don't know
what tomorrow brings, but our God does. I'm
so thankful for that...
God bless!
With God's Love,
Lois J.
2009-11-25 14:48:35 Posted by Lois J. ()
Thanks! Truth: From the Smallest Child, still yet to be born, to the Vast and Mighty Oceans and the Stars and Planets above -- it is all in his hands. His Majesty and Compassion are too great to measure with our feeble minds. I Give thanks for that his Mercy and Grace above all else! I know how much I need it!
2009-11-26 11:12:51 Posted by Mel ()
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