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    Comment List
    Nobody knows the trouble I've seen..Nobody knows but Jesus...
    2007-10-14 19:33:20 Posted by Marsha ()

    Hi Marsha,
    I know you have been through some trying times, but our Lord takes care of His own. Just let Jesus shine through you, this will help your family to see that you are a Child of the Most High God. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and not on the circumstance. Everything is in God's timing. This to shall pass. Everything will be all right, just rest in the arms of Jesus. Yes, Jesus carrid you out. He will never leave you nor forsake you. The footprints in the sand in one of my favorite.
    God bless you Dear Sister.
    God Loves you and so do I....
    With His Love,
    Lois J.
    2007-10-14 19:42:02 Posted by Lois J. ()

    Dear Lois J.. Thank you for your compassion and being my Dear Sister in Christ Jesus. Your comment really means alot to me. I love you too!

    God's Blessings Always
    Love Always!
    In Jesus Name
    2007-10-14 20:07:23 Posted by Marsha ()

    Oh Marsha how sad... but how wonderful that you have Jesus to lean on!
    He will carry you through anything!
    It is wonderful that you have made the choice of forgiving your mother for the past.
    That is hard to do but in doing this, you have set yourself free from bondage.
    You will not let the past hold you captive.
    Our enemy wants us to be chained or yoked to pain and then he sneaks in and tells us lies.
    Release the pain, forgive others and you will be truly free in God's love.
    God bless you darling sister!! I will continue to hold you up in prayer!
    2007-10-14 20:44:44 Posted by Mary Lou ()

    Dear Mary Lou.. Thank you for your compassion and being my Dear Sister in Christ Jesus. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. Your comment really means alot to me. I love you!

    God's Blessings Always
    Love Always!
    In Jesus Name
    2007-10-14 21:13:00 Posted by Marsha ()

    Hi Marsha, I was so sorry to hear
    about what you had to go through.
    I think it is very important
    and took courage to share. My sister,
    you are loved in the body of Christ,
    the family of God. A love that can
    be with held is no love at all.
    Marsha, it's only a test, and a
    temporary heartache that in due
    season will give way to joy
    in Christ. We are often called upon
    to love the unloveable, and
    experience the unpleasant, with
    the knowledge not to allow ourselves to be trampled underfoot. In due season,
    you shall be richly rewarded, as
    you continue to let Jesus
    carry you.God's way is always the
    only right way, The only right
    way is always God's way, no
    matter what the circumstances.
    God is good all the time, and
    all the time He is good,dispite the circumstance. I know He shall
    perfect and protect you in His love.


    2007-10-15 00:39:55 Posted by serola ()

    Dear Serola..Thank you very much for your compassion and comforting words. Thank you for being my Sister in Christ Jesus. Your comment really means alot to me. I love you!

    God's Blessings Always
    Love Always!
    In Jesus Name

    2007-10-15 09:02:29 Posted by Marsha ()

    Marsha, my heart hurts for you and your family. I pray that as you've found the grace to forgive your mother, so you will also find God's grace to forgive Tom. To paraphrase Jesus's words from the cross, it sounds like Tom knows not what he does. I pray that you will find comfort in God's arms and strength in His mercy and grace in the coming days.

    2007-10-15 23:35:55 Posted by Traci ()

    Dear Traci..Thank you for your kind words and your compassion. I have forgiven my brother Tom 70x7 and I will continue to forvive him..This hurt has been going on for along time. My (our) dad started the turmoil and took it to his grave . My dad sexually abused me since age 5 to 17.. He tried to keep it one of his deep dark secrets..I forgive him too!.. I could write a book about this if I were famous..Your comment truly means alot to me, I love You!

    God's Blessings Always
    Love Always!
    In Jesus Name
    2007-10-16 09:28:20 Posted by Marsha ()

    Prayers for an open heart and open eyes...


    2007-10-17 09:34:50 Posted by Mel ()

    :)Dear Mel..Amen!..Thank you very much for your kind comment. Thank you for your prayers.. And, Thank you for being my dear brother in Christ Jesus. I love you!

    God's Blessings Always
    Love Always!
    In Jesus Name
    2007-10-17 10:35:05 Posted by Marsha ()

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