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If the seventieth week is in the future, then the crucifixion of Jesus was not relevent to the prophecy because the Anointed one was cut off after 483 years (Dan. 9: 25-26).
Could you explain who will fulfill Dan. 9: 24?
2009-10-28 16:34:56 Posted by Joseph E. Mahabir (A servant of Jesus Christ) ()
2009-10-29 12:50:38 Posted by Mel ()
How cannot Jesus be relevant to that prophecy? We live in the interim period, the time of the Gentiles. Why can't we figure out the exact date of His return? Because we are in this inexact time period that God has set up. The seventieth week ushers in the end of this age but only at the appointed time set by God. It is why we are instructed to learn to know the "signs of the times." You ask about fulfilling verse 24, I ask you who fulfills verse 26-27? I can tell you this much: It is not Jesus Christ.
2009-10-29 21:16:11 Posted by Eric ()
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