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    Comment List
    I was asked to explain why I see women differently. This is a critical piece.

    Now certainly, there are many examples of Godly women in the bible, and I do not have to stretch my understanding far to think of them as leaders. But, this scripture is not one I am willing to dismiss as speaking to the culture of the time. I believe wholeheartedly that men and women are not the same, and thus, this scripture is not one meant for only that time.

    I kept the last verse in, just to explain that I have also heard many strange ideas come from this very scripture. If women need to bear children and it is good for some men to remain single, how can this be so except that some men have more than one wife? I don't buy that. And I may be wrong. It is a matter of my faith.

    Why? In the same book, it addresses only having one wife for elders and deacons. So I put my beliefs here in the category of my faith. I do not pass judgement on it. If I were to visit your church, I would not leave because a woman spoke from a pulpit. However, I would not accept a woman in my own church as a regular minister. Women share to the body on a regular basis in my church, but as a fellow worker. To me that is acceptable. Others could not even have the faith to accpet this, and I don't make a critical discernment against them there either. That is a matter of their faith.

    Only one woman in this world can give me a command of her own accord, and that is my mother. In the military, I have on occasion had to deal with this. It is not the woman in that situation that is giving me the command. Rather it is her rank and authority that does so. Also, my understanding of this verse does put it totally in the context of the body, and not of this world. Splitting hairs? Maybe. And so I reiterate, to me it is a matter of faith.

    Any woman, however, can give me advice. I get motherly advice even from women leaner in years than myself. That is all good and even desirable. Speak to me of the word, and it will speak on its own authority. So for me, the critical lynchpin is one of authority. Ultimately, all authority comes from God. It is not mine or yours or anyone elses. You can call it sexist, and I will not disagree. But it is what it is, my faith and understanding at this time.
    2005-09-13 11:48:36 Posted by Mel ()

    Many thanks for your comments which I respect. It was interesting to hear your view points.

    God Bless
    2005-09-14 04:59:46 Posted by Lee ()

    Have to admit the more I look at this verse the more it jumps out at me Paul used the context of Adam and Eve pretty much eliminating cultural sensetivity and making it timeless by taking us back to the beggining with His ruling about women. So help me out with this should a woman be required to cover her head when she prays? 1 Cor. 11:6
    Give the glory to God
    2005-09-15 03:20:18 Posted by dcyple ()

    Appreciate your thoughts and point of view. This is, as I said before, an endless debate that no one ever wins. We are not going to change one anothers mind and we don't even need to. I so not push for authority over anyone, God is the Master, mine and yours.
    Ross, you seem to be a realist about things and I feel like you got my back on this. Many thanks! Is there one out there who would, just for the rush, become a minister if not called?
    Being called to preach is no cake walk and there are many difficult things to deal with, so I assure you ,if God did not emphatically put this call on me, I would not be doing it!
    In HIS service!
    2005-09-15 05:28:46 Posted by Teri ()

    Thanks for reminding us of these scriptures, Mel.

    God bless you.

    2005-09-15 14:08:14 Posted by Pat ()

    Mel, you are alright! I really, really like the way that you voice your thoughts, feelings, and opinions on all of this. You are very sweet and I thank you for not making me feel like the next to the lowest lifeform. I guess that one glorious day we will all understand.
    With love,
    In HIS service,
    2005-09-15 19:56:56 Posted by Teri ()

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