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Mel, my brother, trust me -- I'll challenge you when I think you're off the mark on something. I'll try to be tactful and diplomatic about it (after all, I am a girl), but I won't let something go if I think a clarification or correction is needed.
Problem is, I haven't disagreed with anything you've said yet! :-)
2006-09-12 08:21:04 Posted by Traci ()
I think you know I do as well. My fault in this area is likely not to be that I will not say anything, but that I can sometimes be less than as gentle as the situation merits. I am not sure which is the greater error, (sin) to say nothing, or to not say it well. That also being a burden, I wish to emphasis that I can be pretty thick skinned. I'd rather you err in the second way and not the first. If my feathers are ruffled, we can deal with that. If something reamins unsaid, we may never get back to set it right.
Thanks Traci,
2006-09-12 15:41:40 Posted by Mel ()
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