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    Stuart Rankin's Blog
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    Sat, Apr 22nd - 3:45AM

    Ramblin's after a quiet time.

    Read a beautiful Psalm which really spoke to me about the Omnipotence of our God. Ps 28 :8ff reminds us that our God is personal, he is my strength & shield, our attack & our defence. The battle belongs to the Lord, we do not have to do a thing except believe! The O T is full of historical narrative where God took the battle to the enemy of the people & the people were victorious. The boy David took his sling shot & the Lord gave him victory over Goliath, simply because he believed in the outcome.

    The next verse reminds us that he is the Lord of all His people, The Lord of Hosts. He is our collective strength, when we are in unison with him he is our fortress for Salvation & a fortress of His annointed one, after the cross did God not raise Jesus & take him up to sit at his right hand?

    The final verse seems a simple request from the the writer to save all God's people & to bless the inheritance, not only that but bless & carry them forever. When we look at what seem simple we can see that David, who co-authored with the Holy Spirit, is giving us an insight to what God has done for him, not only that we can see that God can & will do these things for us!!!

    After the celebrations of Easter have gone & we have all heard & meditated on what God has done, what is our response in the cold light of day? The celebrations are over & we have all gone back to the meetings with the usual folks present, do we say to ourselves, "well thats Easter over for another year" or did we meet with the risen Christ who died for us all & telling others about the greatest event in history?  Christ exhorts us to 'Go forth & tell'

    The great commission of Mt 28:19 tells us to; "Therefore go & make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. & surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

    Having seen the promises of God working out in our own lives, our very experiences along with our Faith tell us that what the scriptures says is right.  It is no coincidence that in this Gospel narrative Jesus tells all his disciples that he will be with us until the end of the age". 

    From King David to King Jesus, our  God's annointed one, of one race, to The Messiah of all the people, individually & collectively, what will our actions be? We can move mountains, but we must believe, do we really believe? Then go & tell, if God be with us who can be against us?

    That will be Awesome

    Love in His Name  Stuart


    Comment (7)

    Mon, Apr 3rd - 3:16PM

    More Ramblin's about Lent

    After Jesus left Gethsemane, he went with the disciples to an olive grove on the other side of the valley of Kidron.  It was here that the great moment in history was about to commence. Since his birth in that stable in Bethlehem thirty three years had passed & the most significant event in God's Salvation plan was unfolding.  Judas who had left the company earlier,  was leading the Temple officials & a group of soldiers to expose Jesus to them.

    This was all part of God's plan, did not the High Priest, Caiaphas, say; "You do not realise that it is better for one man to die for the people, than that the whole Nation perish" Jn. 11:50.  

    So Jesus was arrested by the Temple officials & the soldiers where he was taken before the self appointed court to investigate Jesus. They had already planned to ensure his death. Christ was such a threat to them that they wanted him killed.  Away would go the way of life they had become accustomed to, the perks, the deals, the way they could get away with anything they wanted, simply because they were high priests & rulers of the temple.  Jesus was such a threat to them that they were frightened because of ignorance.

    Here in twenty-first century,  Jesus is "killed" in hearts worldwide because of this same ignorance. People use all sorts of excuses & reasons to put off thinking about this same Jesus. Stories about him were put about by the High Priests in the First century, those same stories ar still going around today. Not only that, they are accepted by academia as the truth.  Scholars abound who have said derogatory things about Christ.

    Why is it that people will believe in anything except that which is "Truth"?  I suspect simply because this same Jesus who turned the tables over in the Temple would turn their lives over today.

    What a task the believer has before him or her, the Christian today in our comfortable homes & Churches are in some way abetting all this because we in our own way are doing little to stop the spread of these falsehoods.  O yes we can soon judge someone who has sinned & is guilty under the law, (so were the Pharisees), but what are we doing about God's global plan for the redemption of the world?

    That my brothers & sisters in Christ is the questions we should be asking ourselves. "What are we doing"?

    These are some of my recent ramblin's about lent, what are yours?

    Our Awesome God does not need our help,  but His message of love, can be more easily explained to the doubters if we can simplify it by our ACTIONS. That would be a start!

    Love in His Name   Stuart 

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    About Me

    Name: Stuart Rankin
    ChristiansUnite ID: shar
    Member Since: 2005-09-07
    Location: Livingston, United Kingdom
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I am a retired Pastor, I still preach in any Church that invites me, although it is usually Evangelical independant ones, I am licensed to preach in the Church of Scotland, & often do. My background in Christian Brethren & I took my training at Glasg... more

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