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    Clark Thompson's Blog study
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    Sat, Aug 24th - 6:14PM

    Deut 1:18 Matt 18:15-20

    Deuteronomy 1:18

    KJV(i)18 And I commanded you at that time all the things which ye should do.

    ISV(i)18 I charged you at that time that you must do all of these things.'"

    My thoughts.

    We should follow God's word which are His commands.

    Matthew 18:15—Matthew 18:20

    15 Moreover if your brother asins against you, go, 1breprove him 2between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.
    16 But if he does not hear you, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two or three awitnesses every word may be established.
    17 And if he refuses to hear them, 1tell it to the 2achurch; and if he refuses to hear the church also, let him be to you 3just like the bGentile and the ctax collector.
    18 Truly I say to you, Whatever you 1abind on the earth shall 2have been bound in heaven, and whatever you 1loose on the earth shall 2have been loosed in heaven.
    19 Again, truly I say to you that if two of you are 1in harmony on earth concerning any matter for which they 2ask, 3it will be done for them from My Father who is in the heavens.
    20 For where there are 1two or three 2gathered into My name, there am I in their amidst.

     COPYRIGHT © 1997- 2013 LIVING STREAM MINISTRY. All rights reserved.

    These are my thoughts please share yours.

    15 We are not go talk to others about what they did this is gossip and is sin. We are to talk to them personally if they have wronged us, this still could cause problems with them to grow but, they would grow more if they are bad mouthed behind their back.

    16 The is a small group of trusted people coming together at this point they would not listen one on one and concern for them grows. The point of this group is to help, not to spread gossip but, end the problem. These people should also be willing to tell you what you need to hear because sometimes we may over react and make big things out of small things.

    17 The if they still refuse we bring it before the church, this is good even though it is not done most times. There is a proper way to do this, it is not to be spoken infront of the whole church but the church officals who will aid to help rid the problem in private. If this person does not listen still, we are able to avoid the person to avoid bigger problems. The person also at this point would not listen to the church so, they have to decide how to handle them as well. At this point we should continue to pray for them.

    18 We should not allow the problem to over take us, we at this point should hand it over to the Lord completely and move on. The Lord has the power to change their heart.

    19 We should be in agreement to allow our service to be more active and effective. We may view some minor things in scripture differently and this is alright as long as we do not fight over these small things. We should however be divided aginst the important matters of scripture. Jesus is God and died for our sins so, we can live thru Him and His word is true, these are a few things that if people do not accept I will divide myself from them.

    20 The church is the people and where they gather in His name, He will be there.A church service can  be done anywhere where focus is put on Him, instead of the world.

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    Sat, Aug 24th - 5:49PM

    Deut 1:15

    Deuteronomy 1:15

    ISV(i)15 So I chose leaders from your tribes, wise and respected men, and I appointed them over you {— } commanders of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens.

    My thoughts.

    People choosen by God are people we should respect but, their are many who say they are called but do not live up to the call which makes them not wise.

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    Wed, Aug 7th - 8:35PM

    Devotion Pro 3:1