Fri, Dec 13th - 7:30PM
know, brothers and sisters, that God commands us to test all teachings by
scripture. It cannot be said often enough that scripture interprets/teaches
scripture, proves, , authenticates, and backs up scripture within the context
of the whole of scripture from beginning to end without error AND WITHOUT ANY
CONTRADICTIONS WHATSOEVER. The word of God fully defends itself by scripture and
corrects those in need of correction by scripture.Heb 4:12.
Mat 7:13Enter ye in at the
strait gate: for wide is the
gate, and broad is the way, that
leadeth to destruction, and many there
be which go in thereat: Mat 7:14Because strait is the
gate, and narrow is the
way, which leadeth unto life, and few there
be that find it.
interpret Mt 7:13-14 TO MEAN IN ERROR that Jesus teaches that most people will
go into the lake of fire and not be saved. However, the scriptures make it
clear that a false doctrine has been made out of these few verses.
was addressing unbelieving Jews of the flesh, who boasted of being righteous
based merely on human genetics, along with those who claimed to be righteous on
the basis of said faith with no evidence of love and obedience towards God. See
Mat 8.
not uncommon for the ignorant to mistakenly misinterpret scripture, likely due
to poor or no teaching. however, the righteous will receive correction, but the
wicked never will.
It is
blasphemous to willfully teach that Lord Jesus came to die on the cross, to
leave most people lost and condemned to the lake of fire. The children of the
devil sneak in amongst the saints in vain to pervert God’s word and turn the
good news into toxic bad news that salvation is unachievable for most persons
so most will die in the lake of fire: Luk 6:45.
everlasting absolute truth, is found in the whole of scripture, therefore, the
correct interpretation is that there will be too many people to count that will
believe and enter into heaven. See and believe the truth of the inerrant
absolute authority of scripture in the verses below, and many more than I can
put here.
Mat 8:11And I say unto
you, That many shall come from the
east and west, and shall sit
down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the
kingdom of heaven.
Rev 7:9
After this
beheld, and, lo, a
nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the
throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with
white robes, and palms in their hands;
who bypass the scriptures wholistically tend to make doctrines in error, that
would not have occurred had they looked at the whole of scripture rather than
bits or pieces of it. We know, holy people, that the scriptures are more than
merely words on a page. It is the sole spiritual food for you, me, us the whole
church and each member in particular. Jesus still speaks today, still
fellowships today, seeks intimacy today, still comforts, heals, guides,
protects, teaches, corrects, disciplines, nourishes His church today through
His word, and lives in His people with God our Father and God the Holy Ghost.
implore you brethren continually eat and drink into Christ the King who will
fill you to the full, establish you, make your heart glad, and fill you with
His love, truth and strength.
and sisters, we know that we all initially arrive saved, coming in with our
hang-ups, habits, thoughts, feelings, ways of living and acting some of which
are unacceptable to God because they are out of sync with scriptures. God
commands us to understand that He does not negotiate, compromise, cut a deal,
bargain, or change His word to please men, again God never does that-although
men may wrongly change His word to please men-again God never does. Thanks to God, that as we learn that we can
trust that He loves us and wants the very best for us, we turn over to Him
those things that He commands that we freely relinquish/yield up to Him,
turning to obey Him out of love to please Him not ourselves. Raise your hand,
brethren, if you struggled with some carnal thing, you thought you couldn’t
give up and/or couldn’t master nor change, but perhaps after many attempts and
false starts you submitted in love and trust to Jesus and overcame that
thing(s). I raised mine a few times and it likely won’t be the last time.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even
to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The New
Covenant of Jesus Christ we know, dearly beloveds, isn’t about merely knowing stuff
about Him, but personally knowing Him who has given all of Himself to us. Knowing
that He saved us is of the utmost importance, but He also wants us to know/understand
Him in a personal relationship borne out of the intimacy of His actually living deep inside of our spirits and is with us every moment. Jesus loves us so much He
cannot ever bear to be apart from us in any way. Nothing of us is hidden from.
Him He sees and knows more about us than we do of ourselves. How can we deny
giving all of ourselves to one who has given all of Himself and His life to us?
2Ti 2:15
Study to
shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Jhn 3:1
was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a
ruler of the Jews:
brethren, as we go back in time through the scriptures we see:
The Pharisees
were essentially one of the cults that we first hear about in the New
Testament. We know that under the Law only a descendent of the tribe of Levi could
operate as a priest. Anyone not of the Levitical priesthood attempting to
operate as priests God commanded to be put to death: Num
3:10. By the time of Christ’s earthly ministry, the Levitical
priesthood was thoroughly corrupted. Anybody who could pay could play, and we find
this cult in the temple with their man -made doctrines paying tithes and stealing
widows’ houses, acting as priests unchallenged, except by Lord Jesus: Mat
23:14. Jesus condemned them because they corrupted the people and
actually hindered people from getting into heaven: Mat
23:13; Mat
23:15. Some of the pharisees
believed in Jesus, and Paul having met the resurrected Christ. Jesus warns us
about wolves in sheep’s clothing it is not much different now. This is one of
many reasons we must study and live God’s word so that we will not be deceived. love and truth forever, serola
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