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    Pam Saved's Blog
          My Thougts and Questions

    Sat, Feb 24th - 12:56PM


     Psalms 27:14

    Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.     ( KJV)

    Are you waiting on the Lord? Are you fully trusting in his grace and power? Or are you pushing ahead on your own sure that YOU know best what needs to be done in your OWN life?

    There are many who profess to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord, claim to be following Him in all areas of their lives. Yet instead of waiting on him to deliver them from the troubles that arise in their lives. They plunge ahead and try their best to resolve the problems on their own. What happens? Most of the time their small problems become larger ones, more intense more demanding, more needful to be solved. Then you hear them crying out God where are You why are you not helping me? Do they then wait on His answer? No once again they plunge ahead sure that this time they will get it right.

    Many people spend their entire lives in misery simply because they do not take the time to wait on the Lord. When you choose to stop and wait on Him, you find a peace that is soothing to your physical as well as your mental body.

    God knows what we have need of before we even ask Him. He wants us to ask Him for our needs and desires to show our love and trust in Him. It shows the lost of the world that the Fathers children love and respect Him as their Father , their leader. By being willing to "Wait on the Lord " It shows that we know that He knows what is best for us.

    So, again I say

    'Wait on the Lord"

    Comment (4)

    Wed, Feb 21st - 8:44AM


    Death it comes to us all at some point in our lives. We all plan to live long lives, to grow old with all our families and friends. Most of us never think of our journey here on earth ending while we are in what may be called the prime of our lives.

    Then we receive a call as I did last Friday night. There had been a death! A young man had left this world, he was only twenty-five years of age. Oh God what happened, why did he die? God PLEASE help that family. His mother and I had been friends for many years, I remembered when this young man was just a small baby, lying on the couch. Now he was gone to meet his destiny.

    As I looked for something for his Mom and sister, as a keep sake, I found some little pedestals that had Bible verses imprinted on them. One of the verses was in Ecc. "A time for every thing." As I thought on this I realized just how true this is.

    There is a time to be born and there is a time to die.....we just do not know when that time may be so we should live our lives as if each day were to be our last here on this earth, that tomorrow we could be in eternity. If people truly thought that way maybe the world could be a better place. But sadly only Gods children seem to know that, there IS life after death.

    So remember to love each other every day, NEVER take family and friends for granted! Tell them every chance you get that you love them.

    Comment (10)

    Thu, Feb 15th - 12:44PM

    My soul knoweth

    I will praise thee: for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. What a statement! Have you ever thought on this simple and wonderful verse? Just think all He did was reach down pick up a handful of dust and fashion man. Not only did He fashion man, He chose to make man, in their image. Whose image? God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Then He did something He had not done for the animal kingdom. He gave man free will! He chose to allow man the right to choose whether or not he would serve Him. Man was the only thing that God touched after He created, as He breathed the breath of life into man there by placing a soul into man. That soul that God paced in man, knows right from wrong, it recognizes when we are about to commit a wrong and warns us that this is not of God. Yet the free will that was placed in us allows us to choose if we still desire to go ahead with the wrong or turn from it. As any Christian can attest to that ole serpent the devil, can make the wrong look so appeasing so tempting that if we are not strongly grounded we will stumble and fall. Yet even then we have forgiveness in the Father when we ask and repent of our sins. STOP! and look around you once in awhile and truly SEE the marvelous works of our Lord and Savior. Then you will find yourself lifting praises up to Him without even conscious thought. I love those times when I become aware of myself raising my hands in praise and hear myself saying Thank You Lord Thank You! What am I praising Him for sometimes it is just for my life in general.

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    About Me

    Name: Pam Saved
    ChristiansUnite ID: pam
    Member Since: 2005-09-30
    Location: Myrtle, Mississippi, United States
    Denomination: Baptist
    About Me: I am the wife of a Baptist minister. I enjoy talking long walks, reading my Bible. Helping the elderly around us.I enjoy sweet fellowship with fellow Christians. visit my churchs' web page at:/http://www.geocities.com/brokenandpam

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