Wed, Jan 31st - 11:53PM
And one cried to another , and said Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. Isaiah 6:3.......To be holy is to be clean, set apart, and sacred. Isaiah saw seraphim calling out to each other, Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts.'' God is holy. He is without sin. He is wholeness, righteousness, and goodness. We dont try to be good to earn His favor. If we are in Christ we already have it. We try to be good to become more like Him. We grow in His likeness so others will see Him in us. Lets strive to be holy. Lets call out to others with praise to the Lord. Lets tell the whole earth about His glory.
Comment (2)
Tue, Jan 30th - 8:23PM
But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. Romans 6:22....As Christians, we posess the ultimate form of freedom--eternal life that includes freedom from slavery to sin as well as the freedom to become more like Jesus Christ. Eternal life frees us to live for God and to reflect His holiness. The freedom of eternal life means freedom from the wages of sin-- eternal death. It includes freedom from the fear of death. Christians have the assurance that we will live forever with God. eternal life means freedom without end as much as it means life without end.
Comment (5)
Mon, Jan 29th - 3:38PM
Blessed is the servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Matthew 24:46....Jesus encouraged His listeners to spend the time waiting for His return by taking care of his people and serving Him here on earth. the emphasis is on being a faithful servant. A beatitude blessed is the servant, is included in Matthew 24:46. The blessing comes from helping other people until Jesus comes again. Praise His holy name..
Comment (3)
Thu, Jan 25th - 11:01PM
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21...When we seek to know God better, do his will and relate to others with grace and love, we are storing up tresure of a heavenly kind. relationships become more important than things. Our changed hearts hold something for more dear than material things. They hold an eternal treasure--treasure of which we will fully realize the value when we stand before our Heavenly Father.
Comment (5)
Wed, Jan 24th - 11:31PM
From the wind that blows through the trees, and the roaring of the waters,let Gods mighty voice be heard.
From the mountains and the valleys all created by His word.
Over the desserts to the oceans that all may hear, the mighty word of God hold it dear.
So all may know the awsome power of God and fear.
All good He will abide
and all evil He will put aside.
Praise God from the seas to the shores
Praise God Praise God forever more.
Bro Larry
Comment (4)
Mon, Jan 22nd - 10:17PM
Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth. Proverbs24:17.....To feel good about our enemies shotcomings or misfortunes is natural. After all who can believe they mistreated us the way they did? Well, God can. Believing He is on the side of believers, can make all the diffrence about how we feel about our enemies. But we need to reemember that while God is for us He does not wont us to delight in our enemies misfortunes. Now we may be thinking I thought the Bible said to always rejoice! as hard it may be in the human flesh this is a time when rejoicing is to be avoided. God who watches over all things , never forgets and he will remember an obedient heart when it has been wronged. Remember the battles between David and Saul, or Joseph and his brothers,Moses and Pharaoh. God always won. And He will win in our lives today. When we hold fast to Gods Character, and keep our feelings intact when we are tempted to smile at anothers fall.
Comment (4)
Sat, Jan 20th - 10:59PM
But if we walk in the light ,as he is in the light. We have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.1John 1:7..... I am looking foward to another Sunday filled with praise and worship to our Lord. We should always praise and worship Him everyday, But Sunday is a special day most Christians set aside to worship and fellowship with their brothers and sisters in Christ. Whether we all go to church or not, we should make a day of dedication and worship to our Savior and redeemer Jesus Christ. And find someone to share this great day with. May God have His day in praise and worship and song. Have a great Day in the Lord.
Comment (6)
Thu, Jan 18th - 11:15PM
To do justice and judgement is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. Proverbs 21:3...As I read this verse I thought just what does this mean? Just this. treat every one fair and with love not condemnation. sometimes as Gods children we try to sacrifice or to do more good things to gain acceptance in the eyes of our Father. We may not treat others in the way that God would desire, so we cover our actions by giving a bigger or easier sacrifice to Him. But the Lord knows the heart. A pure clean heart means more to Him than layers of good deeds.
Comment (6)
Tue, Jan 16th - 10:26PM
And there will be no night there, and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall rein forever. Revelation 22:5.... When we have an ice storm, or something knocks out our power, and when night falls, it is so dark with no lights on anywhere. and if it is cloudy its even worse. It can be very scary, so we try to find some kind of light, a candle or flashlight some means of light....Matthew 8:12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.... This reminds us that for those who dont know Christ eternity will be even darker. However for the servants of God mentioned in Revelation 22:5 its a much brighter prospect We have the promise from the Lord that we will live and rein with Him in eternal heaven, where night will never fall. We can rest assured that that Christ has reserved a place for us in that land of unending day.... Praise God for that Promise.
Comment (3)
Sun, Jan 14th - 11:03PM
Praise ye the LORD. sing unto the LORD a new song, and His praise in the congregation of saints.Psalms 149:1............I was going to write about something else tonight but we had such a wonderful service at church tonight, that God put on my heart to write about it. We ordained my brother as a deacon tonight, and what a blessing that was, He said that two years ago no one would haved made him believe that he and I would be deacons in a church. We never know what God has in store for us. Sometimes God picks the weakest to be the strongest. and we were sure weak in our relationship with God. I praise Him for my brother that decided as I did to turn his life around and to follow Jesus. About one year ago for him; and two years ago for me. What a wonderful feeling to know that we are not spiritualy alone in this old world and that we always have Jesus to turn to and to fellowship with. No matter what the circumstances are. or who we are or what we were. He is always there for us. He never leaves us we leave Him. I give Jeus our Savior all the Praise and Glory for ever and ever. Amen
Comment (4)
Fri, Jan 12th - 10:30PM
That I make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee? Proverbs 22:21......... What would the world be like if everyone knew the truth about God and told the truth about everything? Things would surely change. People would do a lot of things different as they went about the daily grind. Thoughts of Gods never ending love would replace worry. The key verse speaks specifically of the certainty of the words of truth. We must know the truth to speak the truth. So when we speak as messagers of Christ we shold be sure about the contents of the message. Because we have the honor of helping others discover the truth, we need to decide how well we are living out truth in our own lives. Do we live our days in Gods grace or in self condemnation? Do we live in ways that honestly displays how God is working in our lives? Do others see Gods gracious love expressed in our actions? Just something to think about.
Comment (6)
Wed, Jan 10th - 11:21PM
Jesus answered; Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5..............................................................................................................
In His conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus made it clear that we all experiance physical birth that which is born of the flesh is flesh," He also made it clear that we must recieve Christ as our Savior to experiance the new birth, or to be " born again"and enter into "the kingdom of God" Have you recieved Christ as your savior by giving your life to Him and becoming a new person with fresh motives and goals? if not, let Jesus speak to you even as He did Nicodemus. Gods arms are always open regardless of a persons age or spiritual condition.
Comment (3)
Tue, Jan 9th - 10:48PM
Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. Acts 3:6....What is most important in our lives? For some its an expensive home for others a career that ensures financial success, others good health for them and their loved ones.None of these are wrong if used to serve God. To often we stress to much emhasis on the temporary things of this life on earth, and do not stress the importance of wholeness and eternal life through Jesus Christ. Peter did not offer the lame man money, although he could have, instead he offerd the man the best gift- wholeness in the name of Jesus Christ. Gods grace is free and given to those thar except Him. This generous gift is the best gift of all.
Comment (6)
Mon, Jan 8th - 11:23PM
Pleasent words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24.....Why is it that we ponder the nicest things , most meaningful thoughts about people after they pass away from this earth? Looking back , We may wish we had conveyed face to face how much those people meant to us. We may have wonderful stories of how God used others to significantly touch our lives. Or we may see something beautiful that God has planted in other people that, for some reason they have failed to see. At some point, God intended for these hearfelt thoughts to be verbalized. these words produce soul work between individuals. God even mentioned pleasing words' effect on the physical body. Thoughtful words take effort, but they linger in the soul that needs them. We need to allow God to take inventory of people within our hearts reach whom we could nourish today. By doing so we will not leave timely words unspoken......... In Memory of Bro Roger Overton
Comment (7)
Sat, Jan 6th - 9:50PM
And ye are witnesses of these things. Luke 24:8....As believers we have been given the awsome gift of understanding spiritual things, even things we have not seen firsthand. The Holy Spirit enlightens us and offers us insights into Gods Word that othewise we would not have. Then we have to share these insights with others. We have been given the privilages and the opptortunity to be witnesses of the things that we have come to understand through the Scripture. One of the most important things we can bear witness too is our experiance of salvation in Jesus Christ. God expects us to share that good news with others. Lets share the good news with others this year.
Comment (5)
Fri, Jan 5th - 9:32PM
Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:1.....Strength can be demonstrated in many different ways. there is not only physical strength, but also emotional and spiritual strength. We may have one without the other two, or we could be fortunate enough to have strength in all three areas Growing in spirtitual strength and maturity comes from our daily walk with God: regulary reading Gods word and prayer. Having a strong spiritual strength leads to a lifestyle of grace being extended to others. What a good way to begin the new year being strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. The rewards will not only be ours, but God will be glorified.
Comment (7)
Thu, Jan 4th - 10:40PM
Trust in the LORD and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily shalt thou be fed. Psalm 37:3......Our heavenly Father has proven to us time and again that He, too is worthy of trust. Whenever we fail to acknowledge and lean on that trust, we live beneath our privileges. As we trust God and welcome his goodness ,we, in turn will desire to do good. As a result we will reap the rewards of of having placed our trust in God. Lets give God our complete trust and rest in His promises. Do good.
Comment (4)
Tue, Jan 2nd - 9:20PM
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORDS name is praised. Psalm 113:3....Gods Word tells us that there are rewards when we keep on praising Him. To focus on all He is, how He provides for us , and how He fulfills His promises helps us to maintain healthy states of mind and emotions. We need to remember that He is worthy of praise even if every thing is not as we think it should be.We need to be persistent in our praise of God, we need to make that praise a priority.We will be glad that we did.
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