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    Bob's Devotionals
          These devotionals are written to encourage and enable the body of Christ in our daily walk with the Lord.
          The World needs to see what God can do in us and with us and through us and not what we can do on our own!

          On January 1, I will begin writing on the subject, The Privilege, Power and Provisions of Prayer. You can subscribe at www.sbgm.org/subscribe01.htm

          To hear my CD as well as a sermon that I preached recently, go to www.myspace.com/savedbygraceministries.

          My prayer is that this will bless a lot of people all over the world!!!

          May God bless you today as you seek to walk with Him!


    Sat, Jan 26th - 10:34AM

    Satisfied With Jesus

    Satisfied With Jesus        Psalm 17:15          

    15As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.


    David prayed that God would search his heart and find him faithful to Him. David wanted his conversation to be worthy of the Lord's favor. He wanted his life to be filled with the Lord's blessing. The desire of David's heart was to know the joy of the Lord in his life. David's life was far from being a charmed life. Even though he was king, his enemies were everywhere! However, David trusted God for his protection. David knew that God was more than able to protect him. David wanted God to be his portion and his stay.

    So David wrote the last verse of this song to His heavenly Father, "15As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness." I will behold Your face in righteousness. David wanted God to be pleased with his life. He wanted his life to be one that would fill God's heart with joy! He understood that any righteousness that God saw in him was because of God and not his own goodness. David wanted to see God's face, loving Him not because of what God would do for him with His hands but because of all the things that God would do in his heart and in his life from the inside out.

    David said, " I will be satisfied when I awake, with Your likeness." Let me suggest there is no better sleep that a person can have than to go to bed with the Lord! There is no better morning that to wake up with Him, knowing that each new day is an opportunity to walk with Him and talk with Him and to see the great things that He can do in us and though us if we will just allow Him to be God in our lives! David was satisfied with whatever faced him because he knew that God was with him and that God would meet his needs and that God would protect Him.

    God has not changed. The same God that loved David is the same God that loves you and me. He wants to provide for us! He wants us to go to sleep knowing the strength of His hand in our lives. He wants us to enjoy a life of righteousness filled with His blessings. He wants us to wake knowing His protection and His provisions for our lives. He wants us to know Him and to wake with that relationship fresh in our hearts! He wants to hear our voice early in the morning as we wake to His face fresh on our minds and in our hearts!

     God is indeed so good all of the time! He will do great and wonderful things for us when we allow Him to do so. Let Him be your stay today! Give Him your every decision and see how He can make a real difference in your life today! There is nothing in this world that can begin to compare with being "satisfied with Jesus."

    If you would like to receive these devotionals by email every morning, go to
    www.sbgm.org/subscribe01.htm and you can join our devotional family!

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    Visit Westside Baptist Church in Daytona Beach's website at

    ><> Pastor Bob

    Comment (11)

    Sat, Jan 12th - 6:46AM

    Glory and Honor Psalm 8:5


    4What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? 5For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.

    Man is indeed the crown creation of God's universe. The King James translates the Hebrew word "elohim" as "angels", which is a carry over from the Greek translation of the Old Testament that translated this word "angels or heavenly beings". Elohim is most commonly translated "God". The real meaning of this passage is not that we are created a little lower than angels, but rather a little lower than God Himself. Genesis declares that we are created in the very image of God. We are the only part of God's creation that God sent His Son to redeem. Jesus did not die for the angels in heaven. He did not die to redeem creation. Jesus died so that we as His children might have life and we might have it more abundantly.

    David writes that God has crowned us "with glory and honor". What a blessing indeed we have been given. When the prodigal son returned home, the young man's father ran out to greet him and he ordered that his son who once was lost and now was found was to be cleaned up and a robe was to be placed on his back and the family ring was to be put back on his finger. In other words, this young man was still his son!

    Paul writes in the 8th chapter or Romans that as believers, we are "heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus". When we accept God's free pardon for our sin, we are adopted into His forever family in heaven and we become heirs to all that God has and joint heirs with Jesus! That means that everything that God has planned for His Son Jesus for all eternity, He has planned to share with us! There is no greater privilege to share than that!

    David writes that we have been crowned with "glory". God's glory is our glory. There are two aspects to this that are very important. First of all, we receive God's glory as we allow Him to do for us the things that we cannot do for ourselves. God's glory is the expression of His love for us, which He gives to us. We receive His glory as we give Him the opportunity to give Himself to us.

    The second aspect of this crown of glory is reciprocal in that we are to do for others as God is doing for us! We receive blessings from God as He gives us His glory and as we are blessed; we are then to be a blessing! God's glory is to be received by us and then shared with others so that the world around us might know that God is real and that He is the reason that our lives are full of joy and peace and happiness!

    God wants to share His glory with every man, woman, boy and girl. He gave His Son for "whosoever would believe." No one is excluded. As He is able to share His glory with us, it opens the door for His glory to be shared with those around us! That is why our obedience to His will and His way is so important. Our obedience is the key to the cycle. God has done His part. Obedience is our part. God's blessings and His glory and Honor are worth the effort!  

    If you would like to receive these devotionals by email every morning, go to www.sbgm.org/subscribe01.htm and you can join our devotional family!  

    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you."

    Visit Westside Baptist Church in Daytona Beach's website at


    ><> Pastor Bob

    Comment (3)

    Thu, Jan 3rd - 5:00PM

    To listen to my most recent message click the sermon title below... Jesus Is Coming Again

    Happy New Year to each of you... my prayer is that the new year will be filled with all the fullness that only God can give!

    Pastor Bob

    To visit our church's web site go to Westside Baptist Church in Daytona Beach, Florida

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    About Me

    Name: Bob Hadley of Saved By Grace Ministries
    ChristiansUnite ID: sbgm
    Member Since: 2006-03-04
    Location: Ormond Beach, Florida, United States
    Denomination: Southern Baptist
    About Me: I am a bi-vocational preacher and evangelist as well as a singer. I have been writing these daily devotionals now for 4 years. This years devotionals are written where month and day coorespond to a chapter and verse somewhere in the Bible. For exampl... more

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