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    The Daily Word
          A personal daily devotion

    Sat, Jan 31st - 11:18AM


    The word of the day is:


    Romans 1:1 

       [1] Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God -


       Paul humbly is calling himself a servant to Jesus and an apostle. Paul, who was a Roman citizen, calling himself a servant was totally unthinkable! This showed how much Paul completely depended upon and was obedient to his loving Master. What is your attitude toward Jesus, your Master, Lord and Savior? To do work for Jesus that really matters, we must completely depend on and obey Him so we can serve Him properly.



       What ways are we like slaves? Are we slaves to sin, or are we slaves to the Lord? Make sure that you are dependent upon and obey the right Master. Good things and blessings come our way when we are obedient to the Father. Bad things grow and manifest themselves in us when we become slaves to sin. Wouldn’t you rather work harder for the right master then fester with the wrong one?


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    Fri, Jan 30th - 11:29AM


    The word of the day is:


    Numbers 10:21 (New International Version)

       [21] Then the Kohathites set out, carrying the holy things. The tabernacle was to be set up before they arrived.

       Those who move a lot, travel or even face new challenges know what it is like to be uprooted. Very few things in life remain stable because life is full of changes. The Israelites were constantly moving in the desert. They were able to handle this only because the stability of God being in the tabernacle was moving with them. This was the ultimate symbol of what we need to do when the ever changing world hits us, move with God not on our own.


       Try remembering a challenge, move or any decision you made recently. Was God with you? Did you move with Him toward the direction He was trying to take you or did you go your own way thinking God will move your way. While it’s true that He will always be with you, we all need to remember that we need Him to guide us, not us trying to move God almighty.

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    Thu, Jan 29th - 10:16AM


    The word of the day is:


    Matthew 25:29-30 

       [29] For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. [30] And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'

       This was part of a parable that Jesus had been teaching on. It speaks of consequences with two attitudes of Christ’s return. The person that works hard for the kingdom and invests their time and talent to serve God will be greatly rewarded. The person who has no heart to work for the kingdom of God will be punished. God is pleased and will reward faithfulness. When there is fruit from the faithful, so they will eat. Those who bear no fruit cannot expect to be able to receive what the faithful do.


       What and where is the fruit in your life? Do you bear good fruit? Truly ask God to reveal what fruit you should bear and then obey His commands to nurture it. Your reward will be like no other. Serving the kingdom of God is far better than serving yourself.

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    Wed, Jan 28th - 10:26AM


    The word of the day is:


    John 2:10

    [10] and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."

       People today look everywhere but to God for excitement and meaning. For some reason, people think that God is dull and lifeless. Just like the wine he made was the best wine, then life in Him would be better than life on our own. Why wait until you are out of everything else before trying God? Isn’t He the ultimate goal in life? Why would you want to save the best for last?


       Dessert is best before the meal, isn’t it? Why save the best for last? Today try to look at God in a different light. My God is an awesome God, full of love and humor and strength. He shows me something new every day and never lets up. He is madly in love with all of us and wants our attention. When we give Him our attention, He will show you fun, amazement, amusement, humor, humility, strength, wisdom, kindness, love, satisfaction, peace, etc….

       I could go on and on but I won’t. We just need to be blessed in the knowledge that our God will give us excitement if that’s what we want. Spend time with Him and He will be faithful and show you things you never quite knew about Him. Try spending at least a half an hour today with Him. Try to hear Him talking to you. What have you got to lose?


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    Tue, Jan 27th - 10:19AM


    The word of the day is:


    Mark 7:6-7 

    [6] He replied, "Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:
       " 'These people honor me with their lips,
          but their hearts are far from me.
    [7] They worship me in vain;
          their teachings are but rules taught by men.'

       To be a hypocrite is to pretend to be something you are not and do not even have an intention of being that something. Jesus was calling the Pharisees hypocrites because they were worshipping God for all the wrong reasons. They did not worship Him out of love, they worshipped Him to make themselves look good and appear holy. We become hypocrites when we become these things for example;

    (1)  When we pay more attention to our precious reputation rather than our character, (2) we carefully follow certain religious practices while our hearts and minds are far from God, (3) we call attention to our good deeds and virtues and call out other peoples sins.


       How many times have we taken communion out of habit, rather than meditating on what Jesus did for us? When was the last time we discussed someone else’s shortcomings because we have an impeccable track record? Who are we to say that we are better off than the one living in their car? God knows our hearts and minds and I think it’s time for all of us to ask God to reveal the areas in our lives that we may be known as a hypocrite. We have all fallen short at one time or another and can overcome it by repenting and turning that part over to God.

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    Mon, Jan 26th - 10:48AM


    The word of the day is:


    Genesis 35:10 

       [10] God said to him, "Your name is Jacob, but you will no longer be called Jacob; your name will be Israel.” So he named him Israel.

       God was reminding Jacob that his name is now Israel, which means “he struggles with God.” Despite life’s disappointments and trials and all the difficulties that go along with it, Jacobs’s new name was a tribute to his perseverance with God. Many people feel that once you become a Christ follower that your life is soon carefree. Most people get sadly disappointed and will soon leave their faith because of all the trials and trouble. The reality of this is that when these trials and troubles come around it is a sign of great things to come. These are just merely growth problems that God will see us through.


       As you can see, this challenge is pretty simple; if you find yourself in trouble or going through these trials of everyday life, remember that God has a plan and this is just something that comes along with growth. Growth is a great thing in your walk with Jesus, but remember it is not going to be a bed of roses. If you are going to grow, you need to move, maybe even get a little uncomfortable. God loves us and wants nothing but the best for us, He will see us through the “growing pains.”


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    Sat, Jan 24th - 12:06PM


    The word of the day is:


    Psalm 37:4-5

      [ 4] Delight yourself in the LORD
           and he will give you the desires of your heart.

     [5] Commit your way to the LORD;
           trust in him and he will do this:

       David is saying that we need to delight in the Lord and commit our “way to the Lord”. Everything we have and do should be for His glory and not our own. How is this done? When you delight in someone it means that when you are together in that person’s presence, great joy and pleasure of just being around them is felt. It can only happen when we know someone very well. When we delight in the Lord it means that we too know Him well. Knowledge of God’s great love for us will surely give us delight.

       When we commit ourselves to the Lord, it means we simply give everything over to Him. Our lives, family, jobs, finances, possessions, everything we think is ours is His and should be handed to Him. We must accept His control and guidance over these things. To commit our lives to God we are simply saying we trust in Him. We believe that He can take care of us even better then ourselves. We should be patient and willing to wait for Him to work out what is best for us.


       Yes, even on a word such as “delight” there is a challenge. Today, remember who should be in control. Spend alone time with Him, get to know Him even better, and just be in delight of what He reveals to you. I know that my God, which is also yours, will bless you immensely. Take time to sit quietly and patiently and see what He produces in that “alone time” with Him.

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    Fri, Jan 23rd - 11:21AM


    The word of the day is:


    Psalm 113:5-9

     [5] Who is like the LORD our God,
           the One who sits enthroned on high,

     [6] who stoops down to look
           on the heavens and the earth?

     [] He raises the poor from the dust
           and lifts the needy from the ash heap;


     [] he seats them with princes,
           with the princes of their people.


     [] He settles the barren woman in her home
           as a happy mother of children.
           Praise the LORD.


        God does not value a person based on their social status or wealth. Many people in the Bible started out in poverty or with humble beginnings before they excelled in God’s kingdom. God never looks to the world for His future leaders; He finds them among the social outcasts. Do you treat the unwanted as outcasts or as someone God values?


       Show people by your actions toward these social outcasts that they are valuable and useful in God’s eyes. Not only do you shine a “light unto the world” by doing so, you also bless those who may not see their own value to God. Besides, who is to say that the world doesn’t see you as a social outcast? We might have been poverty level or possibly not followed today’s fashion. When we decide to not follow the norm, this may also make us outcasts in the world because we do not succumb to the latest fads. Remember that we are aliens to this world once we are in the family of God! We must also remember that God “loves the whole world” and therefore values every person in the world.

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    Thu, Jan 22nd - 10:14AM


    The word of the day is:


    Proverbs 21:2

       [2] All a man's ways seem right to him,
           but the LORD weighs the heart.

       Everyone can come up with excuses for just about anything, but God sees right through those excuses and into the motives of the heart. We often have to make choices in areas that are tough to discern or hard to do. If we just first check to see if they are the right motives by asking ourselves if God would be pleased by our decision that we make. Were we on track to what God would like us to do? God is not pleased if our motives are to get recognition or something else in return


       What are your motives for doing what you do? Do you do them to please God or to do what pleases God? He can see right through our motives so be careful to make the right decisions based on your right motives with God.

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    Wed, Jan 21st - 10:17AM


    The word of the day is:


    Psalm 11:1-4

    [1] In the LORD I take refuge.
           How then can you say to me:
           "Flee like a bird to your mountain.

     [2] For look, the wicked bend their bows;
           they set their arrows against the strings
           to shoot from the shadows
           at the upright in heart.

     [3] When the foundations are being destroyed,
           what can the righteous do?"

     [4] The LORD is in his holy temple;
           the LORD is on his heavenly throne.
           He observes the sons of men;
           his eyes examine them.

       David seems to be speaking to the people that are trying to advise him to run from his enemies. David’s faith far surpasses the fear of the ones that are advising him to flee. Faith in God is a powerful way of resisting fear and will keep us from losing hope. David’s advisers were fearful because all they saw was destruction and despair along with the frightening circumstances and trouble coming from all angles. David, however, was optimistic and comforted in the knowledge that his God is greater than any of his enemies can bring him.


       In the midst of economic turmoil, loss of jobs, changing a president, any fearful event in your own history, turn to God and have faith that He will see you through. Not for our own glory but for His. Be optimistic and trust in your Father who loves you. Try to be optimistic about everything in your life today, including a co-worker, family member or strangers that bother you. You may never know what that person has gone through and maybe that is the reason why they act that way. You just might be that one person that shows optimistic care on that persons behalf that could trigger that seed to bring that person to Christ. Will you be that person?

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    Tue, Jan 20th - 10:21AM


    The word of the day is:


    Genesis 2:18-24

       [18]The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

     [19]Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. [20]So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.
          But for Adam no suitable helper was found. [
    21]So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. [22]Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

     [23]The man said,
           "This is now bone of my bones
           and flesh of my flesh;
           she shall be called 'woman, '
           for she was taken out of man."

     [24]For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

       Until he made woman, God’s creative work was still incomplete. Like He made man from dust in the ground, He could have also created woman. God, in all His wisdom, decided to make woman out of man’s flesh and bone. This was an excellent illustration of how man and woman become one in the flesh when they are married to each other. Not only are they to become one flesh, they also unite their hearts and lives to each other. All throughout the Bible, God treats this unification very seriously. The goal in marriage should be more than a friendship or partnership, it should be oneness.



       This challenge is simple. If you are married, is your relationship a partnership, friendship, or oneness? Being of one flesh should be the ultimate goal. Let your differences complement one another. Your spouse should be the second most important being in your lives (God should be first). Yes, all you mothers and fathers that say their kids are first, you need some help in bringing yourselves back to a biblical reality. I know this sounds rash but it is quite clear that those that put their spouse second only to God, project what every kid in today’s world lack. Children will start to show more respect to others if they see it emulated through their parents.

       Now those of you who are thinking about getting married better really know that this is who they want to share their flesh with. I heard it quite clear in a recent message at my church; “Don’t go looking for Mr. Right Now or Mrs. Right Now, Look for Mr. Right or Mrs. Right.” Make sure that you are prepared for the oneness you two will share. Sharing everything includes hurts, pains, sickness, love, money, success, and failures. I could go on and on but I believe you get the picture. Ask God who is right for you, then you know it is a blessed union.

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    Mon, Jan 19th - 11:09AM


    The word of the day is:


    2 Chronicles 3:1

       [1] Then Solomon began to build the temple of the LORD in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the LORD had appeared to his father David. It was on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, the place provided by David.

       Why was the temple decorated so beautifully? Even though no one can build God a home worthy enough for Him, this temple was going to be the best that any human could design. Just the building of, and the craftsmanship,  and the careful thought put into the design was worship to God in itself. Although meeting in a simple, humble chapel to worship God is adequate, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to make a beautiful place to worship.



       Not only is it alright to want to make a beautiful place to worship, it is also ok to want to make the worship experience beyond anything anyone has ever felt, to strive for excellence beyond any human understanding. How do we do this? By letting God use us in the capacity for what He has made us. If we are to lead, lead; teach, teach; set up chairs, set them up. Greet people, encourage one another, clean toilets, create power points, whatever it may be, let God use that in you. Not next week, month or year, let God use you today and for the rest of your life. You definitely be eternally blessed.

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    Sat, Jan 17th - 9:56AM


    The word of the day is:


    Revelation 3:19

       [19] Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.

        God’s purpose to our discipline is not to punish but to bring us back to Him. The church in Laodicea was a lukewarm church because of its indifference toward Him. Are you lukewarm in your devotion to God? God may discipline you out of your uncaring attitude, but He uses only loving discipline. If you draw closer to Him through worship, service, confession, and studying His word, you can avoid His loving discipline. Just like a marriage can be rekindled by a spark, the Holy Spirit can reignite our zeal for God when we allow Him to work in our hearts and through our minds.



       Is your faith lukewarm? Do you like to be disciplined by God? Be careful for what you wish for. Complacency has no room in the lives meant for something bigger. We were all meant for something bigger because of whose we are. We are children of the King of Kings and need to start acting like princes and princesses.

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    Fri, Jan 16th - 10:57AM


    The word of the day is:


    Deuteronomy 28:34

       [34] The sights you see will drive you mad.


       One of the curses for rejecting God was that they would go mad or crazy from seeing all the tragedy around them. Have you ever felt like you would go crazy if you hear of one more war, rape, murder, or kidnapping? A lot of today’s evil in this world is brought on by people’s failure to serve God and acknowledge that He is Lord. When bad news is all around you, do not groan and complain as the unbelievers do that have no hope for the future. Remind yourself that God has a plan and is in complete control. One day He will return to make everything alright.



       What do you do in the face of turmoil, trouble, nastiness, and evil that you hear about in the news? Why worry about things we have no control over, God is in control. He has a plan, maybe it is to test your faith, hone you into what He wants you to be, or even maybe He answered a prayer not in the way someone expected it to turn out. Whatever the news in the world and around you, remember God has control and a reason for everything, so just continue on with a glad heart and a willingness to carry out whatever He has in store for your own life.

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    Thu, Jan 15th - 9:16AM


    The word of the day is:


    Luke 5:16

       [16] But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

       Jesus often had people flocking to Him by the thousands and had many people healed by Him. He often would seek out solitude to go and pray in isolation. He needed His quiet time with His Heavenly Father to recharge His batteries. Many things in life can strive to take all our attention and we often try hardest to handle life’s situations rather than giving it to the one who deserves it. Strength comes from God to handle life’s situations, so we need to seek His strength through our time spent with Him. This time should be spent uninterrupted, quietly and alone to make sure the day’s events do not interfere.



       The best time to spend with God in solitude is as soon as you get up. He can kick start your day with His strength to tackle the day’s events that unfold. When was the last time you spent alone with God, earnestly seeking His advice, counsel, or just plain talking with your Heavenly Father? Don’t wait till it’s convenient for you, start today, right now. I know some of you may think that reading this is good enough, but He still wants that growing relationship directly with you. Feel free to use this as a tool but never let go of the fact that it’s all about Him…..and you!


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    Wed, Jan 14th - 12:17PM


    The word of the day is:


    2 Kings 15:8

       [8] In the thirty-eighth year of Azariah king of Judah, Zechariah son of Jeroboam became king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned six months.

       Zechariah was an evil king because he encouraged Israel to worship idols instead of God. This caused Israel to fall into sin and in our lives, sin is serious. But it is even more serious when you influence others to disobey God. We are responsible for how we influence others. Be careful of “double sins” which not only hurt us but hurt others by encouraging them to sin.


       How are you encouraging others around you? Do you use your influence in their lives to sin or to follow God? Encouraging in Godly ways will only bless the people you come in contact with while influencing them into worldly ways will not only cause them to fall into sin but cause you to sin.

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    Tue, Jan 13th - 10:34AM


    The word of the day is:


    1 Samuel 10:1

       [1] Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on Saul's head and kissed him, saying, "Has not the LORD anointed you leader over his inheritance?


       When the Israelites crowned a king, he was also anointed. The crowning, or coronation, was the political way to inaugurate, or establish someone as king. The anointing was the way of making the king a representative of God’s people. A king in Israel was always anointed by a priest or prophet. The anointing oil usually consisted of olive oil, myrrh, and other expensive spices. Pouring this over the head of the king, it symbolized the presence and power of the Holy Spirit of God in his life. The ceremony to anoint the king was to be a reminder of his great responsibility to lead by God’s wisdom and not his own.


       What would be the anointing today? How do you know that the leader of your church is anointed by God? Does what they say measure up to what the truth in the Bible may talk about? Before you just follow any church, religion, or man proclaiming to be righteous, make sure that they are anointed with God’s Word. If he talks about a scripture, look it up! If he quotes a verse, make sure it is not twisted. If you’ve allowed it to get this bad, blow the dust of the cover and open the Bible and make sure that who you listen and learn from are anointed.

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    Mon, Jan 12th - 11:10AM


    The Word of the day is:


    Matthew 1:18

       [18] This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.

       Why is Jesus’ virgin birth so important to the Christian faith? The Son of God had to be free of sinful nature passed on through all human beings by Adam. Jesus was born from a woman thus making Him a human being. As the Son of God, though, Jesus was born without any trace of human sin. Jesus was both fully human and fully divine.

       Because He was fully human, living as a man, we know that He completely understands our experiences and struggles. Because He is God, He has the power and authority to deliver us from sin. We can tell Him all our thoughts, feelings and needs. He has been where we are now and has the ability to help us in anything.


       When was the last time you spoke to Jesus? Really letting Him know your thoughts, feelings and needs? Yes, He knows them well and understands them but because of the relationship He wants with us and the freewill He has given us, we must make the choice to talk with Him. We have to choose to vocalize our needs to Him and then watch how He understands. He understands us fully but do we fully understand Him?

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    Fri, Jan 9th - 11:01AM


    The word of the day is:



    Ecclesiastes 1:12-15

       [12] I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. [13] I devoted myself to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under heaven. What a heavy burden God has laid on men! [14] I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

     [15] What is twisted cannot be straightened;
           what is lacking cannot be counted.


       Solomon is trying to paint a picture here. “What is twisted cannot be straightened” refers to the ultimate confusion and perplexity that comes for the unanswered questions we have in life. Writing about his own life, Solomon discovered neither his great wisdom nor any of his accomplishments could make him truly happy. True wisdom is found in God, and true happiness comes from pleasing Him.



       Want to be happy? Watch what happens when you please God not for your own gain to just please Him, but to truly please Him by aping what He would do. Happiness comes from helping someone in need, encouraging someone who normally doesn’t get encouraged, lending a helping hand for those who don’t believe anyone would care, and visit someone who thinks you’re too busy to take the time. The list could go on but at least you get the picture. Try this out and if you truly love the Lord, these things that you could do are for God and you will be overcome by happiness.

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    Thu, Jan 8th - 10:27AM


    The word of the day is:



    Numbers 33:50-53 (New International Version)

       [50] On the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho the LORD said to Moses, [51] "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'When you cross the Jordan into Canaan, [52] drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you. Destroy all their carved images and their cast idols, and demolish all their high places. [53] Take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land to possess.


       God had said to Moses to drive out the wicked inhabitants and destroy their idols before the Israelites could settle into the promised land. Paul encourages us in Colossians 3 that we as Christians need to live the same way by throwing away our old life and move ahead into the new life of obedience to God and faith in Jesus Christ. James, Jesus’ half brother even says “so get rid of all the filth and evil in your life and humbly accept the message God has put in our hearts, for it is strong enough to save our soul” (James 1:21). Like the Israelites had to do before entering the promised land, we should and can destroy the wickedness in our lives. Otherwise we would end up settling for our old way of life without God and the where would we be? We must drive out the sinful thoughts and practices if to make room for our new life with Him and possess that faith that is required for every Christ follower.



       Today, get rid of the filth, attitude, pride, whatever you know is not Christ like, and throw it away. How many of us still listen to “bad” music that dishonors the one we should care about? How many of us still watch movies that would shame us if someone from church came in and caught us watching? How about the way we treat our family? Still reading the zodiac? Keeping fortunes from the cookies? Find ways to get rid of that which is not healthy in our spiritual lives.

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    Wed, Jan 7th - 10:18AM


    The word of the day is:



    2 Chronicles 12:14

       [14] He did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the LORD.


       Rehoboam's story is a tragedy because he "had not set his heart on seeking the LORD." It is dangerous to put off responding to God. God asks us for a firm commitment, and unless we respond by putting all of our trust in Him, we will find ourselves far from Him at our own expenses.



       When feeling like God is speaking, directing, correcting, blessing, or pushing you in the direction He wants you to go, don't put it off till it's too late. One time I had this voice telling me to call a brother in Christ. I didn't know why at that particular time I was supposed to but did it anyway. The result was that my friend needed someone to desperately talk to before he went and did a stupid thing. Imagine if I never made the call or called the next day! I won't tell you that I've never done that but the challenge is to recognize and don't procrastinate.

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    Tue, Jan 6th - 10:25AM


    The word of the day is:



    Deuteronomy 14:3-21

       [3] Do not eat any detestable thing. [4] These are the animals you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat, [5] the deer, the gazelle, the roe deer, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope and the mountain sheep. [6] You may eat any animal that has a split hoof divided in two and that chews the cud. [7] However, of those that chew the cud or that have a split hoof completely divided you may not eat the camel, the rabbit or the coney. Although they chew the cud, they do not have a split hoof; they are ceremonially unclean for you. [8] The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.

     [9] Of all the creatures living in the water, you may eat any that has fins and scales. [10] But anything that does not have fins and scales you may not eat; for you it is unclean.

     [11] You may eat any clean bird. [12] But these you may not eat: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, [13] the red kite, the black kite, any kind of falcon, [14] any kind of raven, [15] the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, [16] the little owl, the great owl, the white owl, [17] the desert owl, the osprey, the cormorant, [18] the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.

     [19] All flying insects that swarm are unclean to you; do not eat them. [20] But any winged creature that is clean you may eat.

     [21] Do not eat anything you find already dead. You may give it to an alien living in any of your towns, and he may eat it, or you may sell it to a foreigner. But you are a people holy to the LORD your God.
          Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk.


       Why was Israel not allowed to eat certain foods? Well, there are several reasons: (1) Predatory animals hunt down and eat the blood of other animals and the scavengers ate dead animals. Because they could not eat the blood of animals or animals they found dead, they too could not eat the animals that did these things either. (2) Some forbidden animals had bad associations with the Israelite culture such as bats, snakes, and spiders do for some people today. Some of these animals might have been used in the pagan religious practices. To the Israelites, the unclean animals represented sin or unhealthy habits. (3) Perhaps some restrictions were given to Israel just to remind them continually that they were commited to God as a separate people, different from the rest because they were God's chosen.Although we no longer must follow these laws about food, we can still learn from them the lesson that holiness is a part of everyday life. We can't restrict holiness to the spiritual side, it must be our complete walk through life. We must honor Him in every aspect. Healthy practices for physical, mental, emotional, financial, and relational aspects of our lives will glorify God by showing who He is through us by our actions.



       The challenge is to honor God by the foods we eat. Are they healthy? WIll they hurt or harm the one and only body we have been given. If you are into putting bad things in your body, clean it up. Now is the time to eat right, stay in shape, quit those bad habits that only damage the body. Without your body you cannot carry on the work God has in store for you. Notice the challenge isn't all about foods?

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    Mon, Jan 5th - 10:47AM


    The word of the day is:



    Exodus 10:2

       [2] that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the LORD."


       God told Moses that his miraculous experiences with Pharaoh should be retold to his descendants. Wow, he had some pretty amazing stories to tell! Living out one of the greatest dramas in Biblical history, he witnessed events few people ever got to see. It is important to tell our children about God's work in our past and to help them see what God is doing in their lives right now. Your stories will form the foundations of the belief in God that your children will form.



       Where did God step into your life and what has He done for you? What is He doing for you right now? Believe me when I say this, God is in each and every one of our lives. In some way, whether a believer or not, He is with us. Sometimes we can't see Him through the scales on our eyes. When we give ourselves over to the Lord, the scales fall off. The challenge is to see what God has done in your life and tell your children! It wasn't because of what we did, but because God showed up and our children need to see these examples.

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    Sat, Jan 3rd - 10:22AM


    The word of the day is:
    Acts 8:4
       [4]  Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.
       Shortly after the stoning of Stephen, a deacon of the early church, the rest of the believers were persecuted to the extreme that they had to leave their homes in Jerusalem. Along with having to do this , so went the gospel. Sometimes we need to become uncomfortable in order for us to take notice to move. We may not want to experience the discomfort but it may be the best thing for us because God may be working through our hurts. When tempted to complain about uncomfortable or painful circumstances, stop and ask if God is preparing you for a special task.
       In any of your discomfort, pain or hurts, seek God's council and ask Him to reveal the lesson or message or task He is trying to put you into. Ever have a loss of a loved one? Did you ever have a favorite pet die? Wreck your favorite car or motorcycle? Drop a dish onto the floor? God puts some of these things on us to see if we will take the task given to us. But how do we know? Ask God to reveal it to you. Yes, the more you grow your relationship in Him, the more the hurts don't hurt so much any more because God is seeking you out as an important part of His grand scheme. "Never waste a hurt" I've heard many times. Suppose there is truth in that?

    Comment (1)

    Fri, Jan 2nd - 10:34AM


    The word of the day is:



    Matthew 11:28-30

       [28] "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. [29] Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. [30] For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."


       A yoke is a heavy wooden harness that fits over the shoulders of an ox or oxen. This instrument is attached to whatever the ox or oxen are supposed to pull such as a plow. Four examples of what a person might be carrying the heavy burdens might be; (1) sin, (2) excessive demands of religious leaders, (3) oppression and persecution, (4) weariness in the search for God.

       Jesus frees people from all these burdens. The rest that Jesus promises is love, healing, and peace with God, not the end of the labor for God's work. A relationship with God changes meaningless, wearisome toil into spiritual productivity and purpose.



       Take up the yoke with Jesus. Submit to Him and He will guide you and your life. Being yoked with Jesus is too much a blessing to pass up. He will guide you and take almost your whole half of the work if you only get in His yoke. Let Him be the biggest part. Don't just wear that yoke with Him for part of the day, but take it up with Him for the rest of your life.

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    Thu, Jan 1st - 2:30PM


    The word of the day is:



    1 Corithians 7:20  

       [20] Each one should remain in the situation which he was in when God called him.


       Often we are so concerned about what we could be doing for God somewhere else that we miss great opportunities right where we are. Paul says that when someone decides to become a Christian, he or she should usually continue with the work they previously had been doing, provided it is not immoral or unethical. Every job can become Christian work when you realize that the purpose of your life is to honor, serve, and speak out for our Lord, Jesus Christ. Because God has placed you where you are, look for opportunities to serve Him there.



       Be happy with what God has provided for you. It may be that God wants you to reach someone right where you are at. The way we reach people is not to beat someone over the head with Bible but to be an example of Jesus love for us. When people see the love of Christ working in our lives, they should be saying, "I want what they have."

       For myself, I would love to work for God someday in the church. I don't always remember that God will move us if He feels we need to be somewhere else. We need to feel blessed right now for having the opportunities to spread the word of Christ at our work place. For those of us without jobs right now, maybe we are meant to reach someone we are normally unable to reach had we had to work. Maybe God is also in the process of moving you to your next destination to reach someone at a different job.

       The challenge today is to be happy where we are at and look for new and inventive ways to spread the 'Good News' to the people that have not heard, and to be happy in the situations in which God has put us and look for what ways we can be that example of Christ.

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    Name: Brent Hirning
    ChristiansUnite ID: bjhirning
    Member Since: 2008-12-18
    Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States
    Denomination: NON
    About Me: A man who is deeply in love with our Lord Jesus Christ and wants everyone to have an intimate, vibrant and growing relationship with Jesus.

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